Thursday, May 23, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #70) – Day #321

Date for Entry: (Thursday 23 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:07 – WD:32, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got up with a fight awake. The road was clear and there was only one Georgian girl that came in to fill the maxi. Thankfully we did not get into trouble to cross the road. The assembly was long and Miss Jones was having her awards as part of the assembly. I didn't understand why it had to be part of the assembly. This was probably the reason why it took so long for class to begin.

    We only had one period or piece of one period with 2M. Miss Gittins gave me the numbers for the journal booklets and then I went to get prepared for the first class. I met “Jess” out in the corridor. She told me to go and get two 2M by the time but while I met her back in the lobby, she said to go to the music room and make sure that they didn't lock up the door.

    However, when I met “Miss Alicia” I saw “Miss Gloria” and she said that she had locked up the room. “Miss Gloria” got vexed that Jess didn't have her keys. Another guard came to open up for us. The class got to practice the college song and had to leave quickly. I brought down 1L to the music room. The Muslim students got to sit outside by the back of the room and the students practiced singing the Mangoes song before going into their separate groups.

    It was nice to see the children try the African drums but they seriously needed to work out their rhythmic pattern. “Jess” and I tried to get energy. We were both exhausted at recess time. We waited for the free students from 2M to come back and do the college song worksheet. This worksheet would have been 25 marks was their coursework.

    We both left the room and I took a while to fix up to go to 2F. She was already there and did the G major scale notation on the whiteboard. She introduced them to Indian classical Sargam and listed some instruments and genres that related to Indian classical music. Today was very difficult to go through. Somehow I felt alienated. I sat on the bench outside the art room doing my journal entry.

    I met “Ash” out in the same corridor and he was asking about the required clothing to leave the compound during this aid period. I wasn't sure how to guide him so I told him he could ask his mom. Suvir shared with me a secret about coconut oil. I'm not sure if I'll be able to try it out or if I'll remember when I get the time.

    Miss Harris and her mom sat outside Mr. Baines' woodwork room while I wrote the entry. I met Miss Susan outside the staff room. Again she didn't tell me anything about “Maria” being absent. Not sure if she is still angry with me for not helping out at sports day. I went home to play some music. The Phoenix was sent to recovery.

    I played some music and got the donation card and the memorial donation card cut out by the guillotine. Some of the spacing was too small. I will have to make the margins smaller to have them less corrupted. I got tired and could not work on typing for church again. It seems like the simple work is going to take some more time and effort than required but I still feel confident that I'll be able to do it. Lord Jesus be my help and guide.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 3:11 pm)

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