Tuesday, May 21, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #70) – Day #319

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 21 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:07 – WD:30, (Td:6)*].

Dear Diary,

    I woke up early this morning to see that the principal wanted an explanation for my comment. It didn't look like she was understanding anything so I had to private message her immediately. Then I got ready to go on an appointment travel with Daddy. After we got to COTT. They said that their services were for live performances of music published online.

    The lady at the desk recommended that we travel to the Ministry of Legal Affairs to see if they could assist us. This was a very long way for us. We went into the glass building through the security scanners. Three persons did not know where the intellectual property section would have been. Another lady far down inside of the building told us to look on Frederick Street by Capitol Tower.

    We took a look around and it looked like a regular mall. Inside another building, the security near the entrance door told us to take the elevator to the top floor and there we met the office. Daddy and I signed the visitor's book and then we had a seat. The lady by the desk was trying to find an officer to assist us. A lady came and told us that everything she could tell us was on the website. I got the address of the website written down and left for Curepe after stopping by the churches.

    I told Daddy that if Miss Kitten's church was closer we could have gone to midday service. He laughed when I told him how far it was to find the church. We went to Curip in a taxi. I stopped out by the double stand to get a maxi at Lockhart Street before the driver got to turn into a side road. The maxi I was gonna go in pulled off. Thankfully the one I got in filled up quickly and we were on our way. I saw the chief examiner Miss Antonia leaving too.

    I got signed in as soon as I got to school. I heard the Principal’s voice too in the office. I wondered if she had gotten my message. Diane and the official were back at the desk. Dr. Allison wasn't back yet so I had her sit and began writing in the entry for the examiner. She eventually came into the office and was surprised when she saw me.

    Dr Allison said that she thought I wasn't coming today but I had let her know that I came just to help her today. She'd been waiting for me for a long time and I had told her that I was coming to pick her up. Let her know I came just to help her. She seemed so happy and surprised that I was able to come to school just for her and she said she felt very nice. She opened up the office and we got down to work.

    I asked her for the leave forms for March of 2024. They were sorted into departments and then out of the envelopes they were cut and stapled. They were then sorted back into their files and then punched to go into teachers’ folders. “Jeff” met me in the office and I showed her the envelopes in real. She told me that it was something for her to keep but I told her it belonged to the administration.

    Miss Gittens came in and she said that Maria was waiting for us. I thought she had left already when she wanted to go early as soon as school was over. I had to go back to Block K to pack up and get my bags. As I got back to Block C they were already in the car.

    When we got out into the road I realized I didn't call Daddy to let him know that I was leaving school. He came and I went home to have a look at Car Race before getting into my work for the night. As I looked at the memory card I did not bother and went to play any car races on the tablet. It seems as if yesterday was a blessing today was quite all right. I think tomorrow maybe I'll go and visit the other Doctor in the office.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(12:15 am – 3:36 pm)

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