Wednesday, May 15, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #69) – Day #315

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 15 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:06 – WD:26, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I felt like I was in church when Daddy asked me how I was feeling. He too said he was not feeling good. I tried to get up and get ready for school. Two Georgians were in a maxi with me. I saw “Jan” and Hamlet signing in the office while I got the OJT book to sign.

    The office was empty, unlike yesterday. Dr. Allison met me in the corridor on my way to block A. She said she would continue with the later absences and whenever I'm free we would work out the figures together. Didn't have time for breakfast since class was about to start.

    I had to wait on “Jess”. She went through F major and C major scales for their midterm. I was not sure if they would let me set the test. “Jess” said that she wasn't feeling so good in the corridor. She did a major scale transcription for the C major and F major scales. Afterwards, she had to leave. Instead of getting to correct all, Miss Harris took all the children out of the building for a class photograph.

    When I exited the 2M classroom, I met “Miss Gloria” and the principal in the corridor way. The principal was picking up a piece of garbage from the ground and throwing it in the bin. She did meet with me and told me that she noticed I was in the Block K staff room. It was hurting that she had asked me to leave the staff room and move over to K. It was hurtful after all the inconveniences faced in the office and now being evicted. So I tried to knock it off my mind and tried to go and see if the meeting was still in place.

    I went to join “Jess”, Miss Gittens and Miss Jones for the VAPA meeting. It was strange how Miss Roberts didn't come to join us. They took a long time to see 1L. Joseph from UWI was there. He got a bit taller and it looked good. I went to 1L and then began the lesson for “Jess.” She had to speak with Joseph. He did mention that he was a moderator for CXC.

    I continued the rest of the lesson when Jess entered. 1L was given the same teaching from 2M previously done this morning. Two girls were asked to read their poems before the dismissal for recess time. It was nice of Mr. Samlall to ask questions. Mr Ali was also there after a long time of absence. Not sure if he understood the work. It looked like the line of Muslim students at the back of the class was getting longer.

    After having my cheese pie at recess we got 2F down to the music room. It seemed as if a student was given a message to bring the children down to the music room. They were moving out the steel pan instruments from the music room when I got there. At first, I did not know why but it seemed as if Ms. Roberts did not want the noise. She had a meeting with her Form 5 students in her office. I stayed back after for Ari, Ms. Noel, Aaliyah and Che to help the others practice the melody of the school song. I sat down in block A until the end of lunch.

    Dr. Allison looked surprised to see me. She said, “What! Yuh rell on time, boy!” She opened the door and we went in. She told me that part of the VAPA and the modern languages were ready for insertion into the Excel sheet that I had created. We sat there in the Vice Principal's office and got the match completed. Sometimes towards the middle of the eighth period, we had accomplished March 2024.

    The principal was not very nice to Dr. Allison and it did not look good at all. I felt very sorry for Sr Allison. This evening too I had a travel out. As we were driving up I saw “Saga-Boy Andy” driving downwards as I was going upwards to Curepe.

    That same night “Ash” could not do class. I told them the next week we would meet up and went on to work on finishing the Church of Almighty God song called “God's Arrangements for All People's Outcome.” The plan was to do Yesu Nam but the feeling was not for it tonight.

    Instead, there was a five-minute song that was done until the first three minutes of the melody's transcription. The time was 10:47 PM and I couldn't do anything else for the remainder of the night. I had to go and rest immediately because no strength was available again for me to stay awake.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 4:29 pm)

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