Monday, May 6, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #68) – Day #308

Date for Entry: (Monday 06 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:20, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    Today is Monday. I got an early waking and daddy was early too. I found “Kendrick” walking in and stopping in the front of the bath in “Manohar's” Maxi. It took a while to fill. Three Georgian boys were with me. I met “Nia” in the office signing. She met “Choo Choo” and me in the staff room. I got asked by “Tia” while eating breakfast if I had moved out to come to that side of the compound.

    I hoped that someone in the office would come for me to make copies for 2M and 1L. The children were noisy in the school after assembly. Not many teachers had signed the attendance book. It looked like there were less than one-third of the teachers present in school.

    One of the classes had to come down to the music room. The students went to change for their school song presentation. It took too long. It got too hot. “Jess” decided to move the class into the hall. The new guard had keys which couldn't open the hall during the fourth period. It was a long process to begin the marking. Mr. Danclair did a good job singing the college anthem. He and the others were nervous but they had an interesting dragon head as part of a costume.

    The recess was very short. 2F had a good time today with their presentations in class. There were six groups to be marked. I didn't see “Cody” or “Max.” “Mr. Das” showed me a game he liked to play over his phone. I suspect it is the one he was hooked on. It looked nice but my days of those style of positioned fighting games are over. Thankfully the double periods went by quickly.

    I went to Dr. Allison and we spent all of lunch until the end of school during late-term absences from March 2024. We eventually got into sorting absent forms for the teachers. I got Dr Allison some sheets of legal-sized paper and made them into envelopes. She found it much better.

    Then I got to show her the Excel form that I did. We used Mrs. Allen Brown as an example. We pretended as if three days in which Mrs Allen Brown was absent from school in April. We typed it in the Excel document and Dr. Allison got to see how it worked and she was very happy. We both discussed ideas to have the document created by the heads but then studied the copy and paste alphabetically would become difficult into the ministry Excel file.

    I feel I will still have to make the second form version just in case the school might need it. I thought too that some ideas for organizing the forms would be useful instead of having the forms in paper clips and in open manila folders where they could get lost easily. I plan to make some envelopes for the teachers and offer them to Dr. Allison for her to consider. I wish that I could have gotten to make over the leaves and absences form and sent it to the ministry for consideration.

    A lot of things from the to-do list could not have been accomplished that I made earlier. I had to confirm which of the groups of four months in the visual arts class had to switch which was the four months only. The rest of the school were fixed numbers. I will make this change tomorrow. I found it better to buy a ream of Bristol board sheets, cut in the parts, and make folders for the teachers.

    Work for John's song and Clarence's song met the end of transcription tonight. “A Mother's Love” needed more review and codes to be inserted. The “Shape of My Heart” transcription will require a review of codes from the interlude to the end and both arrangements will then begin. I hope both of these songs will be completed and be out of the way. I will have to get Daddy to buy the Bristol board tomorrow.

    Later that night, I felt for popcorn and decided to make it after a shower at 11 pm. I had the whole bag and felt for two more. There was nothing really good on TV at all that night. Only the same things over and over. I wish they had made more interesting movies that would have been better and not the same old.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:30 am – 4:22 pm)

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