Friday, May 24, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #70) – Day #322

Date for Entry: (Friday 24 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:07 – WD:33, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I had to get up and rush. I ended up sleeping back. I got to school and went to the Pentecostal religious instruction. Somehow Crystal was the person leading the session again. I was asked by Miss Pope yesterday evening why I did not go to the event they had for Crystal. But I had to tell her that I did not know they were having an event for Crystal. This was in the evening after school.

    Her scripture for the session was from Ecclesiastes. I will have to do some more research to find the right part of the scripture she was referring to. She mentioned that there was a time for different things. She also mentioned a lot of things occurring in the school and some of those things have hurt me. Part of the lesson was about a time and place for everything.

    I had my pie eaten as quickly as I could. “Jess” got into the staff room and I went to 1M with her there. The class was short because of religious instructors this morning. 1M had a late start. They decided to do their French assignment and it took 20 minutes of their ‘teaching’ time. I heard they had a PE class right after recess and because of that, they would not have been able to work on it.

    Riley told me they had a colouring of the French flag and a word in French that had to be used in an English sentence. I was not sure at first how that would have been done but I took a look at what some of the other students were doing. I hope they will be able to complete the project and that their presentations will be fine. The rest of the session was to work on the Mango's presentation.

    Some of the groups had their dances and costumes tried out for me. We learned that Riley tried to ask for permission from me but he didn't ask the question for them to work on the French project. It took a longer while for the period to finish. I took the opportunity to give the children back their practical marks slips from term 1 which I still had. Only one boy didn't get back his sheet of paper. I hope it was still in the set where the others were sharing from.

    I forgot that there was an MMT meeting today. It's probably the reason why many teachers and Dr. Allison wasn't around. There was an issue with Ayden's journal not being found and Nicholas's journal not being able to print. Nicholas had no transport to get his journal to a specific store to print. It was very shocking to hear that Aydan's journal disappeared altogether. He would end up having to do over the entire journal.

    I met “Jan” in the corridor after lunch. She was wondering if there was something bad that I had to speak with her. Not sure where “Jess” was. We spoke in the corridor after lunch. I told her that I'd meet her in the staff room after school instead. When the 1F door opened, Ms. Jones came out but Jessop was not inside.

    The children were sent into their groups to plan their dance, skit and singing of the Mango Song. This double period was also a bit too long to finish. The drummers for the groups used tabletops and padded chairs as their drums for practice.

    At some point during the MMT meeting, I recall getting my times out for leaving the compound updated in the OJT logbook. All of them were transferred to my journal for when the timesheet deadline came around. This evening when I got home, I didn't feel like doing much. As soon as Daddy left, I fell asleep on the couch from 4:30 to 10:58 PM in the night.

    I went to the computer and did some more typing for the library minutes. I hope it happens and goes well tomorrow. That is if the others can attempt to come to a meeting in the library. Thankfully things are working out fine. It doesn't matter if I'll have to do some more stuff but I'll get it done. And I pray that the library will be successful and that it will grow eventually over time.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:02 am – 3:59 pm)

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