Monday, May 27, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #71) – Day #323

Date for Entry: (Monday 27 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:08 – WD:34, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    Over the weekend the rain had flooded Ria's yard and her road was closed off. Alex had some car trouble so sadly we could not have the meeting again. The performance in the church went well. Daddy and I both fell back asleep and I got to church at 7:10 AM for the most. It was still a long service but it went well.

    This morning on Lockheart Street “Mr. Gill” was in the front seat. The driver was “Marquise” and the back seat passengers were angry that he swung up to the small gas station down the road. Thankfully the road was easier to cross. No one was there in the office either. Dr. Blandon was probably in the assembly. As soon as Miss Dana walked into the office I heard the Principal asking her to hold the door open for her.

    I had time to pack for class except for breakfast. The assembly went through all of the first period. Many of the teachers were now coming in also. We were not sure if the two of us were going to the music room. Even “Jess” was late and coming out of her car. We greeted each other seeing Miss Santana coming out of her car too.

    I went down the corridor for “Jess” to let me know if to bring the children to the room. She said yes. It took some time for the children to get down to the music room. They had to write out the G major scale along with the note on Indian classical sargam. She did the discussion but there was no Wi-Fi in the classroom for the playing of YouTube videos as examples.

    I went back to the staff room to get breakfast at recess time. I heard some surprise music from Mr. Charles this morning. I hope the panadol that I gave him was good. Dr. Blandon and I got the science and mathematics department section dates and absences entered into the Excel document. There were still some teachers with outstanding forms to submit.

    I returned to the staff room to fill out my timesheet in advance for this week's admission. The brownies that Miss Dana brought were amazing. I forgot to take a picture of it. It looked like Dr Blandon was on a query hunt when I returned. “Miss Evelyn” from 1L was in the waiting area and at 12 as her exit form was being prepared.

    “Jess” was also waiting to see Dr. Blandon. She came and we had a review of numbers entered while copying and pasting the Excel document into the Ministry's document. My first attempt was a failed surprise. The result was R.E.F. and I forgot that the tallied figures were from a formula. Copying and pasting had to be done from values. Once I tried again it worked. Dr. Allison was very excited and had a nice laugh. We got a large amount of entries inserted. About 13 teachers with missing information to complete April 2024.

    Mrs. Ramsingh came and then we had food about MLA. I enjoyed the aroma of Mrs. Santana's curry filling the air in the staff room. If I knew she was going to use hand towels as a mat I would have given her two sheets of my newspaper. Lunchtime was over too quickly.

    I had to remember to take two of them down to the room again. They were very noisy and disruptive. I just had to shout. Praise God the notes from this morning were still there so I did not have to write it over. I had them copy it and “Jess” came in after. She asked me to go and get the speaker box. Some of the children were dancing to the Sarugam music. Just gave me the singing to go through the G major scale with arpeggio and it was very difficult. The room was too hot.

    Finally, the class came to an end. I got home to find excerpts for the lesson on dynamics. “Jess” had suggested that one can be classical, pop and one can be local. I found one from Adele, Skyfall. To find a local I was guided to Dr. Samaroo's “Song of Lopinot” which I ended up conducting at UWI for an assessment and in the intermediate ensemble. I was glad that she had no objections to the chosen pieces.

    The rest of the evening was taken to finding the chords for music transcriptions. Those chords were to the song “The Battle Belongs to the Lord”. That night I had my birstol board sheets counted. There were 53 sheets but I thought I had less than 50. This other half will go to the APC library.

    The green ones I bought today will go to George's teachers and the other half of the pink 100 will go to the library also. The Bristol board sheets were folded, creased and jotted. The lines will have to go in tomorrow in school. I ended up making a baguette or popcorn for below deck after having five dark chocolate biscuits. Daddy said it would be nice.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:43 am – 3:28 pm)

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