Friday, May 3, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #67) – Day #307

Date for Entry: (Friday 03 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:04 – WD:19, (Td:)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning was the second time I saw Kiel walking down to Lockhart Street for a maxi. “Miss Gloria” was in the front seat in a very casual uniform. She was not in her usual uniform and had on a long wig. Somehow I thought of “Mr. Das” last night. I hope he is okay.

    I went up to Blockade as soon as I signed the logbook. No one was in the office until some long while after. I had my pie while hearing “Patty” talk about Trinity East turning to a government-assisted school and that the teachers were on strike. There was a talk about Hillsview and Laximi girls before I left. It was nice to see Mr Charles coming in and Mrs Santana and I had the same colour blue shirt on.

    Miss Pope and her big volume came in so hard talk with “Jess” by Susan's Desk in Block C. It went too much with Jess's loud laughing. “Jan” was there too. Shiva sat with me eating his aloo pie and tried to find out which ex-boyfriend came to help Pope clean up the garbage. I couldn't take any more of the noise so I went to fix the leaving times in the OJT logbook. Seems as if everyone in the office were having breakfast without me. Thankfully it no longer bothered me. I didn't see Janice as yet.

    As soon as I walked into the staff room in Block C, the volume was there making noise and the talking changed to the last day of school line. Will have to find a way to get out of that. Got up to meet Dr. Allison in the office but took the long way towards the music room side. Miss Gittins and Miss Mary were there. They spoke with me for some time.

    The head invigilator was speaking about an issue with a student and that was the rest of lunch towards the seventh period. There was a problem with Wi-Fi as usual. I had to sit by the bench to get a connection on the laptop. The other invigilators came back to get started with the examination. Today was painting and mixed media exams in the art room. I had to get copies of the samples for Miss Gittins. They looked like mark sheets and very neatly laid out.

    Miss Mohammed did not have any more Bristol boards in the store room. I was not sure when we would be getting any more to buy. Today's session will need those post submissions. I saw Janice in a lovely pink outfit this evening. Not sure if she came in the afternoon after lunch. I stayed back in the cool breeze to continue the journal entry. I hope that “Jess” is doing fine.

    “Ash” was sitting outside so I got the Gymnopedia number one score to give him and then went to pack up. There was a nice lime in the library with Mrs. Solomon and I. She showed me the software that the school had to purchase but she said that it was for schools only and I learned that the software was called Alexandria. There was another one that was called Serialist but she said that I should look for one that is for churches.

    I learned that the software does cataloguing and membership as well as keeping track of borrowed books and charging late returners but at 25 cents per day. She mentioned that the cost would increase in a long time and the money could add up. She also shared with me that at a time the money had added up to $400 in late fees. Miss Harris was at the side of us looking in.

    “Maria” and I were both tired. We had to wait for Miss. She came in when the exam was over and told us that she had the children's books stored away safely in the exam room. We had an issue with not having enough birtol boards to make envelopes for the official exams envelopes. I told her that we would be needing more because I did not have any by me. Hopefully next week things will work out, just I would have to do all the work and no help from Janice at all.

    I got more work done for Clarence and John's song with at least one minute each transcribed at night. John said he was looking for pieces for his children to do for Mother's Day and Father's Day. I still don't like the Chutney music that John gave me but because it was John I will do it for him. I hope that somehow I'll be able to work out “The Shape of My Heart” for Clarence just so that he will be able to get something nice.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 4:46 pm)

Day #306 – (8:50 am – 3:11 pm)

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