Thursday, May 9, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #68) – Day #311

Date for Entry: (Thursday 09 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:23, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I woke up late, still tired and had no rest from the exam session. I was able to get to school in the first period. I had some time to eat my pie and then get to running. Used the washroom first and then went in.

    There was no sign of “Jess” until she replied to my message. The children were sent down to the music room. There was a problem with leaving the classroom again and behaviour. The children were taken into three groups and split up under various pans to try playing C major and F major. “Shem” did a wonderful try on his first attempt at the sixth bass. I recall “Mr. Williams” tried the tenor bass and we had some difficulty trying to find the pitch D and A on them.

    The marker labels had faded on the instruments. Some of them were given the names of the instruments that they tried. The music room was so hot. Thankfully, the period went quickly. Ms. Gloria closed up the room and I spoke with Ms. Mary. She came to school on her day off. She had a nice dress on. Ms. Gittens came to join us too. We went back to the art room and I continued labelling up the envelopes for the CXC students. I had started working on these since the second period.

    “Moonie” came to take some of the landscape envelopes I gave him. I called him back to label one so he’d know what to put on theirs. I gave him the blue marker and he went down to the exam room where Ms. Gittens was. I learned of a Form 4 student helping Ms. Down there. It felt like there was a need to move everything down on the front side of the school towards lunchtime.

    I had to rush down to the art room to get all of the rest of the envelopes. Another need to go back to the art room for my tray. I put all the stationery that I needed in the tray to use and decided to go to the admin for a roll of clear masking tape. It came out very handy. I met “Jess” and she was wondering why I didn't speak for long but told her that the Wi-Fi hadn't sent me a message. I was surprised that lunchtime came by. Instead of asking a student, I watched the sun and got confirmation.

    There was one point where we ended up in the admin office and all around the desk area there were endless boxes papered up in brown paper as packages. They had to be moved around to get through to the cupboards. We had some last-minute labels to stick on in the envelopes. Two male students helped us pack the packages into the principal's car. Not sure if the gentleman driving was her husband.

    We had to wait for one student to bring a textile design. Miss gave me her bag to take to the art room. She said that Mark would be there in the back. I thought it was Matthew coming. The way we were both rushing, we were out of our minds saying something while thinking a different thing. We spoke in front waiting but forgot to bring out Calvin's large submission. I had to rush down the lines on the envelopes and then slip the project in. This project and the envelope had to go into the car separately. I folded the envelope for it to fit.

    Long moments later, while Miss and I were chatting in front of the administrative office's door, she told me that it was Myiesha coming in “Tia's” car to send us the art submission. When she came, the principal came out of the car to the side of the bench. I went swiftly into the admin office and set down the tray on the bench. The crash of the tray was heard throughout the corridor. Miss Gittens was walking back to the art room and she asked loudly to her down the corridor if the exam room had any more of the envelopes. The principal said the office had but didn’t know about the kinds we had. I told her loudly walking over from them to the exam room that we had some more.

    I sent the envelope down on the bench and the principal saw what I was talking about. She said, “Daryl, Miss Giddens owe and a whole lot, boy. I listened because Miss was writing up the form to stick on and I was busy filling out Maisha's information on the envelope with my marker. Everyone in the corridor passing by saw what was going on. I got the project in and then went with the Principal to the car and had it put in.

    We still had to wait. “Kimmy” went with Miss Gittens to the office to give her the sample sheet. The principal took it and they went off. Miss Gittens went with a drummer named Brother Mark. I sat with Myiesha at the end and felt so exhausted. As we watched them all drive off the compound I said a prayer and we both sat there until 2:45 in the evening. We spoke about a lot of different things. I left her when her friend came to go to block A.

    Only Miss Dana and “Mr Marlon” were there. The other staff teachers had left already. “Mr Marlon” and I sat in there in the cool air conditioning and we chatted until 4.30 PM. I was wondering if “Maria” had gone without me. They were still there with Dana trying to find Spanish comments for Susan's clinical supervision. I gave her some ideas in case the real cookies and a real glass of water to drink were not workable. I told her that she could print a picture of a cookie and a picture of a glass of water so they could hold it up instead of breaking a real glass.

    I went home and had some sad realization that I left my flash drive in my pencil case which was in the administration office on my desk. So this meant no typing of minutes could have been done tonight. I also could not do journal work because the diary was also in the class bag in the administration office. I spent the rest of the night in front of the TV watching Summer House and then the night was over after playing car racing on the tablet. I'm not sure what will happen tomorrow in two plans to COTT.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:15 am – 5:49 pm)

Day #312 – (7:49 am – 4:16 pm)

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