Tuesday, May 14, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #69) – Day #314

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 14 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:06 – WD:25, (Td:X)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got up late this morning. Crystal came into the maxi and we walked in. She didn't like her wig blowing into her face from the sides and the front. I told her how I would cut my side hair and let the back hang down. She mentioned it was a wig and that's how she wanted the hair to be.

    The office was empty and I got signed in quickly. Both Dr. Allison and “Jan” wanted to see me for different things. I told Dr. Allison that I would pass back in the third period. I sat in the staff room to get the pie done. I got all the names written out on the envelopes afterwards. It would have been 10:30 AM after completing all the names on the envelopes.

    After leaving the building, I had another nice chat with “Choo Choo” by a bench under a dirty tree. She was playing “Hotel California” which started to play as soon as I walked up to her. I shared with her the things that I did for the administration. “Shape of My Heart” was also the second song after. I told her that I had just finished the arrangement and offered to share it with her once I got home.

    It was nice meeting Mr Pieere on the way to Block C. Dr. Blandin was going for a snack so I got to use the washroom and then met up with her in the office. She liked the folders that I had made for the teachers a lot. They were stored in a brown envelope and placed into a filing cabinet drawer, within the Vice Principal's office.

    Both Dr. Allison and I were able to get the information done for the business department until she had to leave. This means that there would have been no principal and no vice principal there for the day. I prepared the attendance book before returning to Block C with her approval. She told me to make sure to sign the date and the name of the school on top in a writing pen and looked on to supervise before leaving the building.

    This afternoon “Maria” wasn't there. A lot of the teachers had already left early. Black smoke had filled up the entire road. It was like a dark and opaque road and the cars on the main road were coming out of the smoke one by one. You weren't able to tell which kind of car was coming out.

    I went home and didn't feel so good but I pushed and got the melody and chords written in by 10:15 PM. I could not fight anymore. I ended up falling asleep on the couch that night. It was difficult to get up and walk to the bed. It was surprising how Parents Day came and ended so quickly. We even had situations where dogs had died. It looked as if another dog was about to die the way it was looking.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:52 am – 2:45 pm)

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