Monday, May 13, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #69) – Day #313

Date for Entry: (Monday 13 May 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 22 July 2024)

[T2, W:06 – WD:24, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got to school late and had my pie. I enjoyed the Venz-men speaking in Spanish but did not understand what they were saying. I did not realize that Dion was in the seat behind me too. I reminded him that the CXE mathematics examination was today as we walked into the compound. He ended up checking his timetable and said that it was paper two. He was also able to tell me that music paper 1 would be on the 16th of May in the morning.

    “Choo Choo” brought the cake she said that she was going to make today. I might wait until recess to have it. I went to class to 1F after waiting on “Jess”. It was nice to see Ravin and “Leo” again. The Muslim boys had to do the theory and were exempted from the practical.

    “Jess” ended up having the children do the major scale transcription to prepare them for the written midterm examination at the end of the term. They were also required to review STEM directions to transcribe the major scales on the staff.

    Recess time came soon after. I went to the office to make some prints of the departmental folders but the printer was not making it. I went to see if Dr Allison was there but the room was locked. I figured that she wasn't there. I saw “Jenny” chatting along with Miss Pope outside while Miss Mohammed spoke to me. It looked like an older lady with yellow long hair.

    I spoke with Mr Earl at the end of the corridor for a while. We had a long and successful conversation about the change in society and children today. I went back to the staff room to work on the short story essay for Mrs Santana. Miss told me that she had forgotten her English A folder at home so we could not have gotten to correct the exercises I had previously done and submitted to her. She ended up asking Jess for periods 5 and 6 on day 3 to borrow me for a session on grading those papers.

    After lunch, we had 2F in the music room. “Miss Best” was very unsettled and almost had damaged the tenor bass instrument in the back. The children were given C major and F major to play on the various instruments ascending and descending. I remained behind after school to assist “Miss Noel” and Aaliyah in playing part of the college song. “Miss Noel” got part of the guitar done. The original part of the guitar was in my arrangement.

    I went home with Daddy to Chinese and got the shape of my heart completed and sent to Clarence. He was able to see a PDF of the music and a recording was also in the WhatsApp message. The time in the evening ran out and I did not get to write in the names of the late and absent envelopes. Hopefully tomorrow that time will be provided during the free period.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:38 am – 3:30 pm)

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