Tuesday, October 31, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #46) – Day #208

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 31 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 05 November 2023)

[T1, W:09 – D:40, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came to Valsayn with ‘Mr Gill’ in the front of the back in the maxi. I got my first of two pies done. Went to wait for 1M outside of their classroom. Today all of the Form 1s had an exam for note components. 1M was the first class. They did not need the full duration of the class. I took up the papers with about twenty minutes to go. The Muslim boys only signed a blank exam script for a mark and I took it back.

    Red books were collected. Not many of them did have their books with them. They must have thought it would have been an exam and didn’t back it. The same was done with 1F. During recess, I went through all of the red books from both classes and had them returned by lunchtime for the exam with 1L. Miss Lawrence was late to roll call. She passed by while I collected the worksheets and their red books.

    After 1L’s exam, I went through the red books and had the students do their homework. It was bad to see that they were not doing their homework. There was a deduction from ‘Ms Garcia’s paper for irregularities. Some of them were not serious. Only time will tell if they fall victim to their trap.

    I didn’t see Mrs Santana later that evening after school. Not sure if it was her car that pulled out earlier as I was on my way to the office. I had to travel today out since “Maria” wasn’t coming today. Short wait outside. ‘Mike’ was the driver today. He put on a big speed to Curepe. MY knees were hurting from hitting the wall in the back of the maxi. Got the keyboard for the computer from Isa. Decided to go and have fun grading out all the Form 1 exams today. I left the tallying for tomorrow.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:55 am – 3:51 pm)

Monday, October 30, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #46) – Day #207

Date for Entry: (Monday 30 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 05 November 2023)

[T1, W:09 – D:39, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn with a Georgian girl. Miss Santana had some trouble trying to scan a document. There was no one in the office to assist her that early in the morning. I thought that I had 2L this morning after eating my pie and after unpacking my bag, I saw that I had 2M. I was unsure what to do with them regarding less than half the class submitting their project. I took the next back of Minim and Quaver note trees for them to do over neatly.

    After getting them into the classroom, I drew up the blank tables on the board, inserted the headers and told them that we would be filling out the tables together as a class. This exercise took the entire double period along with the conducting exercises for Parts A and B. Part C was given for the students to attempt on their own for homework. They were also asked to research the pitches D, E, F#, G, and A for the recorder. The same thing was done with 2F in the Home Room after recess.

    I had 1L for the third and fourth periods. The students were lined up outside in the lobby area for their photo for their George’s Identification Card. I began the lesson with eleven students in the class. The others came in and joined the writing. Time Signatures was taught. I felt bad that I had to give them the notice of a test tomorrow.

    At lunchtime, “Yash” came and met me in the office and I had him pick a brick between lesson 7 (Bass Clef) and lesson 12 (Ties and Slurs). He chose a lesson and I got the note and had him copy it. We had some practice in the red book and then he was off to class. When he left, I had lunch done and out of the way. It put a heavy weight that made me so tired after. Didn’t eat anything for the whole day. I went outside to call back Janine but she didn’t answer the phone.

    I returned to my desk and tried to fill up the timesheet in time for tomorrow’s submission. Miss Mohammed dashed out and left early. I was alone in the office. Many people came and went. The maxi drivers were concerned about their salary sheet not being signed but had to be left over for the night.

    Miss Patel was the Acting Principal for the day and Mrs Sawh was assisting Dr Blandin. There was a lot of rain that came down all of a sudden. It left soon after. Short wait afterwards until we finally left the compound. Going over to Isa, he came running down the steps and told us that he was late to pick up his children. Had to do a whole week without typing up my journal entries for last week or doing anything on the computer for that matter.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:00 am – 4:28 pm)

Friday, October 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #45) – Day #206

Date for Entry: (Friday 27 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:08 – D:38, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    Got to Valsayn with a very nice gentleman. He asked if George’s was still there. We spoke until I got to the gate to walk into the compound. I ate my first pie in the office early. Didn’t want to say there. The hall was filled with too many children, the staffroom was nasty with some unusual smell again and the library was closed. I sat below the tent. Found out it was Kayley’s birthday. “Ella’s” worksheet fell in a pool of water before the bell for classes to assemble.

    I continued working on the Form 2 music appreciation project. It would have been 40% but I wanted some form of art where they could draw. Went back to the hall after finishing the history research section. There was no one there for the Pentecostal RI.

    There was an argument in the office about a book for leaving the compound and the procedure issue. I ended up going outside to sit on the bench and the tall guy joined me to read his Newsday. Miss Gittens spoke with Mr Charles’ wife for all of period 1 before going off to her homeroom. I too went back into the office before my double period with 1F.

    I decided to have class in class again. Today would have been nice to have it in the Music room since they had not been there in a while but I saw Brad limping earlier this morning and didn’t want him to have to walk all across the campus to get here. They got the time signatures lesson.

    During recess, ‘Miss Assong’ asked for copies of the note tree credit assignment. I tried to get it printed but the machine didn’t want to print. Only a few minutes after they left it printed. She and ‘Miss Young’ had forgotten to come back at lunchtime to collect the copies. I had a visit from “Yash” and I forgot him. Didn’t know he would be coming over today. We reviewed time signatures for both grades 1 and 2. I had to send him the notes for him to copy.

    I had the test with 2F. They were the last of the Form 2 to receive it. There were irregularities. It was the first time that the students had to see why Mr Ali walked around with a marker in his hands during exam time. ‘Mr Gill’ was the first to get it, followed by Akash and Jessie. After School, I remained with Ari, Aliyah, ‘Miss Noel’ and ‘Miss Jacque’ in 2F going through their Distribution Law Theory. I was happy that I could help simplify the work for Aliyah.

    I took a picture of the homework on the board to do on my own over the weekend. IT was done on Saturday. I got the barque lunch from “DD” that I had paid for. It cost fifty dollars. Miss Ali left it on my desk for me. It came when I was in a test with 2F that evening. Didn’t stay long in the office that evening. I packed up and went to eat in the staffroom.

    The table in the back had Miss Pope, Miss Greenaway, Mrs Sawh, Donna and soon Miss Gittens came with Miss Lusha. They were installing a new air-conditioning unit that time of the day so we all had to say on that part of the room. It was a nice evening lime until leaving. I ate the barbeque while liming with the rest of the teachers. I can’t wait to get home and finish grading all the papers.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:18 am – 4:50 pm)

Thursday, October 26, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #45) – Day #205

Date for Entry: (Thursday 26 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:08 – D:37, (Td:6)*].

Dear Diary,

    I worked on grading the 2L and 2M 2nd time signatures practice test. They were tallied. Then their note trees credit assignments were marked. At first, I was not sure how to grade them. Thankfully, God showed me the way.

    At two in the evening, the marks were being sent to my mark book and I got all of my journal entries for last week typed up and in one day. Usually, It would take three hours to do two of them. I got a surprising call from Aunty Anmarie. They asked if I was able to do the session with them that night. I took it and continued my note-taking from where we left off.

    I did not know my full lesson in Duolingo. I just did either two or three parts of a lesson to keep the streak continued. Had a great chat with “Super-Reader”. He’s still in the park and it looks like a haunted house. I told him to say a prayer before entering a very dark environment like that.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:18 am – 4:58 pm)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #45) – Day #204

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 25 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:08 – D:5, (Td:5)*].

Dear Diary,

    Had to go back toilet this morning. Got to school late with one Georgian in the maxi. Miss Solomon used my desk and Miss Roberts drove in front of me. Went to the music room and too many Form 6 students were all over that place. The state of the ‘music room’ was awful and untidy. I took my bags and left immediately. I forgot that there was RI that morning. I limmed with Miss Mary and Miss Gittens outside the woodwork room until the second period.

    I went to get my note tree copies for 1M whenever the time was right for the lesson on Semiquavers. I decided it would be better to do Time Signatures instead. I know they will have to work with them in the semiquaver lesson in their red book. Before the lesson with 1M commenced, I reviewed stem directions with the students. The first four on each of the three staves were completed.

    The time was short. Not sure when I will be able to do “All Through the Night” on the recorder. I had mentioned a test in the next class. “Riba” is supposed to email me the notes from the board. Did not have my phone today. I made copies of the same worksheet and had it sent over to 2L. I tried making copies on my own and ended up doing 100 instead of 25. Thankfully Miss Ali was able to stop the machine quickly.

    2L was noisy. I had forgotten what F# on the recorder was. Instead, it would have been better if they had done the research and found out. I think it might help them with memory. We did the first three exercises on the conducting worksheet for Term 1. There were four breakout groups and each one was picked up. One was done with me and the other two were by the group of students alone.

    During lunchtime, Svara got permission from Miss Roberts to do the make-up exam. She had choir rehearsal that same lunchtime. Again “Yash” did not come to see me at lunchtime. I was wondering how to finish the Form 2 music appreciation project. Janessa came by to rest her stuff on my desk again. I remained in Curepe from 4 to 7 and decided to travel and walk home. Showered and changed before Dad and Andrew came up.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:15 am – 3:15 pm)

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #45) – Day #203

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 24 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:08 – D:35, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came in early this morning. I had no one with me in the maxi. I ate my pie and went up to Block K. Today was 2L in the morning and 2M in the evening. 2L started late because “Mr Bucks” had to write a letter to apologise because he called my name wrong in an inappropriate manner. Mr Martain asked him to write it and gave it to me. He stayed there in the office. I did not read that letter until after school.

    While that continued, I went over to their classroom and began the test. The full double period was used for this exam. Patraj, Nodarse, and Nodarse were zombified, zoned out and gone. I see a large potential for failure in the class. The Good King Wenceslas was handed out. They left for the library at the end of the second period.

    I went to Miss Gittens to help her with the proposal for her church’s second Unity Walk. She had me typing while Miss Mary came over to sweep out the room. We had to borrow Jeanice’s flash drive to get the document printed and then send it back. I walked back to my desk during the fifth and sixth periods to grade the papers. I did not see “Yash” come for the session today.

    Waited for the 2M class in the evening. Mr Gill decided to be a fool and didn’t know what the word compromise meant. I had the same test for 2L this morning with 2M. We finished at 2:55. I felt that I should have given out the score for Good King Wenceslas in the next class but it was a good way to make the children label the pitches. We will see what happens next time.

    I decided to remain in the office. I went to the staffroom and waited for Miss and Susan to come back. Finished grading papers at 9 PM in the night.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 4:14 pm)

Monday, October 23, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #45) – Day #202

Date for Entry: (Monday 23 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:08 – D:34, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning was tough to wake up. Got to school on time. It was nice that “Arthur” was the driver this morning. Ride #6. None was in the office as yet. Mr Pierre and I had the same colours today also. As he walked into the office he stopped and checked what he was wearing and then he told me we were matching as I usually tell him.

    As soon as my pie was finished, I went up to Block K to give Miss Gittens and copy from Miss Roberts. I also gave her a copy of the Music Appreciation project for the Form 1s. She was sweeping up the classroom before the students came in. I held the scoop for her to send the dust in. When she was done and the children came in, I went over to wait for roll call for 1M to complete with Miss Leiba. She came out and allowed me to take over.

    As soon as I entered the classroom, the students were very vocal about the homework which was to transcribe the listening exercise. A lot of them did not know what to do. When I took a look around some of the homework attempts were impressively accurate. I told them that it was alright if they did not get through because it was only an experiment.

    I drew four staves on the board, revised the notes from semibreve to quaver with value and got into correcting that transcription homework. The children understood what to do after the first of four was corrected. We moved on immediately to the other three. We went on components of notes. The full note was given. The worksheet to go with it was given after the long note.

    I ran off to 1F in the classroom opposite and delivered the same lesson. I was glad that more questions were coming from the transcription exercise. They were less to handle with noise today. Nicely their notes were done faster. I was glad to have a seat sometime and hand out the same worksheet to the students while they write. I was scared when I couldn’t find my phone. Went back to 1M when Mrs Noon-Charles had her class and it was not there. I ended up finding it back in 1F under all of my books on the teacher’s desk.

    At recess, I sat by my desk and plans were being arranged to have school closed early at 11 AM. I knew that my class with 1L this evening during the seventh and eighth periods would be stolen because of this but I believe that they were in good standing and no harm would come. I sat there in the cold office from the rain and wondered how Mrs Neaves’ funeral was going. Plenty of dark thunderous clouds bust noise into the sky. I got Isekel to help me print the Form 1s and Form 2s exams for this week.

    While stapling some later that evening, “Maria” came to let me know that they were ready to go in the car. I pushed the papers into my drawer threw everything I had to carry home with me neatly into my books bag and walked out with her to the parking lot.

    Some of my coloured Form 1 folders were used to separate the documents. I was grateful that the books in my bookbag did not get soaked when I got home. Didn’t like how Isekel had to be kept back in the office. All of those teachers rushed out of the compound immediately. That was amazing.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:47 am – 1:41 pm)

Friday, October 20, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #44) – Day #201

Date for Entry: (Friday 20 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:07 – D:33, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came with a tall Georgian today. It was a new driver too. I signed up and walked up to the music room to ding “Drummer Girl” making so much noise. ‘Doctor’ was in the corridor with Javid. I got the exam papers that I had to return that morning. She was talking to ‘Tia’ after on my way back. They were greeted and I went to get up for class.

    For the second period, I had 1L. They were given the note components and stem directions. Another student had to get their exam paper. I walked “Corey” to the office and then handed it to him. He allowed me to get pictures of the notes for the dean to send an absent child. I sat in the staffroom but recess was over too soon. I hope that “Corey” will visit me at lunchtime as I’ve offered to go over pitches on the treble staff.

    I had 2F right after recess. Some of the children did not know to come over. They were accustomed to having classes in their homeroom for the past few sessions. I sent ‘Ace’ and ‘Burnie’ back to get the rest of them. We had more waiting because they were slow. Some of the students were coming in later. I decided to go into the ledger lines session. After eight weeks, but seven weeks of teaching, I found that it was time to move on from the hard topics. We finished two minutes into lunch.

    I went to the office and saw ‘Yash’ come in. He didn’t do his homework again. The office was too busy. I finally for copies from the office of the note conversation worksheet for the Form 1s. As soon as ‘Yash’ session was over, it was 1:15 PM and I sent him off to class. I went over to 1L and handed out the worksheets. ‘Corey’ told me that he forgot to come over.

    Dr Blandin was now the Acting Vice Principal. Today was her first time in office. After school, we spoke about a punctuality and regularity form that I made to help take attendance. I went over to the staffroom during the seventh and eighth periods to work on creating the second-time signatures exam that had to do. I sat with Donna and Mrs Noons-Charles at the table in the back.

    I packed up while everyone left and went back to the staffroom. I got back to the staffroom and worked to get about thirty points worth of questions. Going up in the car ‘Maria’ and I sang songs from Enya and offered me a copy of her songs if I brought a flash drive. It took me all weekend to finish typing the exam. There was no time given to type any of my journal entries for the whole week.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:43 am – 4:19 pm)

Thursday, October 19, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #44) – Day #200

Date for Entry: (Thursday 19 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:07 – D:32, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn with Kiel in the maxi. I was in the back. I ate my first pie and went up to the music room. The children took too long to come over. Cleaning up the classroom, Miss Roberts came walking in. She would not say thank you even when her students messed it up. She wanted to know the key to a piece called “Struttin' at the Waldorf” and asked for my opinion. It was very chromatic looking. I suggested that it could have been either a mode or atonal as my best response.

    This was 1F. They too had a repeat of the class from 1M yesterday. Some of them struggled in the instruments part of the exam and figuring out the pitches. Their test papers too were returned. I had to give a very serious warning about cheating and told them that the marks on the cheaters’ papers were also lies.

    During recess, ‘Varry’ and ‘Burnie’ met me in the corridor. They wanted to get the worksheets for the note tree credit assignments. I walked them down to my desk in the office and handed them the worksheets. I took my double period off before having 2F in the evening. I was not sure if ‘Yash’ was coming for a music session today. With no sign of him, I went to the staffroom and waited a while. They had football and I gave them some time to finish.

    I entered 2F at 1:30 PM. I had two irregularities. It hurt me a lot to see that there were 13 cheaters. I awaited their papers for when I got home to see the horror. After leaving the classroom, it made me fall to dump those papers in the bin. The test was compromised by one student.

    That evening I got a ride from Mrs Santana since “Maria” wasn’t there that day. After grading those papers at 9:30 PM, there was a lot of anger. Didn’t know if to pretend that this was a practice test. 2M students were already messaging to see if there would be a test for tomorrow because they had RI. The idea in my head was to use this compromised task as a practice for the real one. I would just have to go and make over another.


  • “Struttin' at the Waldorf” – Trinity Piano (Grade 7, 2015-1017)

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:50 am – 2:51 pm)

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #44) – Day #199

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 18 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:07 – D:31, (Td:6)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning the maxi driver was “Hanuman-Kumar”. Crystal and a Georgian girl were with me on the way to Valsayn. Thought that I would have gotten there late but I was in time. Sitting by my desk I met my ice-cream bucket filled with water. I went to wash it out with soap outside. Mr Omar asked me to fill two buckets of water from my container. I got it dried and gave Miss Ali ten dollars before going to wash my hands for breakfast.

    While the school was waiting for the first period to finish, with Religious Instruction, I went to the Conference Room. Thankfully, it was not occupied. I took the full period of that time working on my conducting sheets for Term 1-3 mapped out on the whiteboard. A picture was taken for them to be notated over computer software sometime in the future.

    In the second period, one hundred of the Form 2 time signature exam was printed and stapled. The staffroom was my working area for the rest of the morning. I took a look through the new books that I got from Blue Edition and compared them with the “Music Theory in Practice” Books 1 & 2.

    I loved how they had the books placed in chapters and showed the learning outcome or the objectives for each chapter. It felt more organised. Thinking of the book in use, it felt like good books like these would be waited in a secondary school. I made a list of topics and tried to order them into the three terms of Form 2. Some amendments were made to my Form 2 Scheme of Topics page. I will have to consult with the curriculum first for more topics (if any).

    It was only until 2:10 PM, I returned to the office since morning. I spoke with Miss Paul via text message. She sent me the curriculum to check through. I also got Indian Classical Sargam and other stuff to add to my list of topics for Form 2., which made me remember the Indian Classical Ensemble in DCFA. The sheet that I did in scrap was done over. Both Form 1&2 academic year outlines of topics were corrected and sent to the school’s email overnight for printing to submit to Miss Gittens.

    Later that evening, I got another surprise call from Aunty Vangy to pick me up. We went to have dinner at Trincity and went to help her with groceries again. We had a good laugh straining to get a shelf up the steps. I got back home at 7:43 p.m. I felt so tired that night. I began to fall asleep during my Duolingo Spanish lessons. Didn’t get to speak with ‘Super-Reader’ either.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:02 am – 3:07 pm)

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #44) – Day #198

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 17 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:07 – D:30, (Td:5)*].

**Donuts pic.

Dear Diary,

    Empty car park along with an empty office at my arrival this morning. There was an issue with ‘Doctor’ being addressed about the classroom issues entry to each room. A gentleman responsible for us shuttles was there too and soon trouble makers came. I left to find somewhere else to go. Going up to the art room Miss Gittens sent me to the music room to supervise the Form 4s. Miss Roberts did not come that morning to teach her class.

    I continued working by the teacher’s desk and then I worked a little on reconstructing the conducting worksheets. I felt that it would have been better to teach the Form 2s easier rhythms that they could work out on their own. I don’t think they are ready for dotted notes at this time. The better idea for me would be to do 2-beat in term one, 3-beat in term two, and 4-beat in term 3, where they would then finally get to work on rhythmic composition. It is called composing an answering rhythm in the Eric Taylor ABRSM books.

    1M came. I waited for them to come to the music room. I did the listening exercise that was not done in the last class. Then we moved on to the First verse of George’s Anthem. Their exam papers were returned and reviewed. I had forgotten to go through the musical instruments section with them.

    I decided to go to 2L after recess. I did not have much time to have a recess after. I did the contusing exercises with them in ‘two-four’. They were also given a picture with the underlined words of George’s Anthem. Heavy rain poured down. After I left them. There were three minutes before lunchtime. A girl came to ask me for her pencil case from the music room. It was difficult for me because the room was locked and the door in the back too was locked. Had to ask ‘Miss Gloria’ for the key and return it afterwards. I walked with my umbrella because of the rain.

    Going back to the office, Miss Gittens didn’t see ‘Yash’. I know that she was supposed to have him for Visual Arts class today. I didn’t see him either. Waited a bit longer after. I returned to Block K to see Mirs Santana about the English A papers. Somehow, I was still early after trying to make p the time in the office. Heavier rain fell after the meeting. I got to share Mr ‘Marlon’.

    I went back to the part room to work on my painting on the canvas. Went to Blue Edition to get new books. I was told that the Music Theory in Practice books were out and that a new kind was being used. I took a Grade 1 and 2 for the students at George’s.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:04 am – 3:58 pm)

Monday, October 16, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #44) – Day #197

Date for Entry: (Monday 16 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04 November 2023)

[T1, W:07 – D:29, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came with one Georgian student. Full office this morning too. Feeling sic gain but I chose to ignore it. I went to wait for 2L. Assembly stole my time again. I saw Miss Gittens after she told me the class was free to go teach them.

    After greeting the children, I handed out the conducting worksheet and gave a small piece of masking tape to the students. Three pieces were given to each student to stick on the left side for proper page turning. The solfege and beat divisions were written on the board to their notebooks and then the conducting exercises began. Arella a signed for different persons. Each one had to sign over attendance.

    The group working with the class was not successful. It was noisy but each group was able to compete individually working with me. Only time will tell if they truly took the time to practice. The third period came too soon. I went to try and fix the Form 2 English A exams that Mrs Santana sent to me in the ‘Spec’ room. But the noise was too much. It was better to do it at home.

    I decided to go and get lunch out of the way. At lunchtime, “Yash” came for music class. I went through dotted notes and rested first. Wasn’t sure what to do at all with topics but there was a need to squish the topics because of the time coming up to the test. He was also not doing his homework so that took up more time.

    After lunch, 2M was not settled in the evening. We tried to do the three-beat conducting. They were a bit confused with the difference between two and three. We filled in the solfege syllables and counting pattern. We also reviewed the first verse of the St. George’s College song. I underlined certain words where the emphasis should be placed. Seth was in trouble again. Today I felt defeated again. I sat in the office and felt like quitting.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:41 am – 4:01 pm)

Thursday, October 12, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #43) – Day #196

Date for Entry: (Thursday 12 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (October 2023)

[T1, W:06 – D:28, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    I arrived late to school this morning. Got to the music room feeling sick. Miss Roberts was not parking up when I got there a long while after. I forgot that she told me on Day 3 she would have the Form 3s in there. I went over to wait a while. I had my pie in the ‘lobby’ area watching 2L students with their kiss cake surprise for Miss Gittens before they walked in.

    As soon as I was finished, I went back to get the keyboard. It was heavy but I managed. Mr Bain was still taking a long to finish roll attendance. I even had no attendance reregisters in my folder so I took off running to the office and back. I was completely wet down in my track pants and T-shirt.

    The class began late. I left the keyboard on two vacant desks to back because there was a plug situated there. Sadly, we did not get to use it because class finished two minutes into the third period. This call was given the recorder lesson with a demonstration of posture and also fingering for the pitches G, A, and B. The same lesson was done immediately afterwards in 1F. However, because of the late start again, I finished three minutes late into recess.

    During recess time, I returned to 1M and asked a boy named Rahul to take the names of students who didn’t have a personal copy of the workbook. I remembered as soon as I got to 1F. Thankfully with the rush, a nice girl reminded me to take attendance. Some of the Muslim students who could not do music were in the room with us. I had to yell at one and was still confused as to how that could be. I will have to do my research. Got my keyboard back to the music room with the accompaniment of Mr Smyth from 1L.

    I went to give Miss Gittens her copy of Miss Roberts's exam results for the last academic year. She forgot there was an MMT meeting when I reminded her. We went down the corridor and they told us that it would be postponed to another date. She sat with me in the office and we chatted for a while. I shared a piece of my second pie with her and I showed her the folders that I got for the Form 2s. She gave me a laugh and she said she liked my organisation.

    When She left, I had asked for the Form 2 books to be printed. I had labels to stick on them with the Form 2 children's names and their Form class in red ink marker, which was done yesterday evening after school. The safety officer took the Baptist bell. There was a fire drill. I saw Miss Patel with a handheld mic. The school was evacuated. I stayed with 2F. This time around we did not have any roll books. Some of the MTS were hurrying the children and the teachers were taking their time too going up in the back past the art room. I went back to Block K with 2F and explained how to do the note tree.

    Returning to the office, I got the labels stuck on and walked over immediately back to Block K. I have Avish to distribute 2F and Ansar to hand out the books for 2L. Everyone in 2M had purchased copies of the books. It was lunchtime after leaving Block K. I sat there in the office and waited to see if “Yash” would come by. He didn’t come. Jessie too and the girl didn’t come for the review. How I knew, they would have forgotten.

    Miss Laurance came and had a nice chat with me until Form 1 came to do a make-up test. She preferred to sit on the pregnancy chairs in the ‘waiting area’ so I lent her my table to use. She got 37 of 40 points. The hall was locked so I couldn’t get to practice my “Carol of the Bells” piece that Mr Sharma sent me. They had some kind of choir practice. Just before the end of lunch, Rahul and his colleague from 1M came into the office to see me. He brought back the sheet of paper I gave him and there were two names. He asked me if I would be able to tell him about his mark on the coursework exam and I did. He seemed happily relieved, lol.

    At 1:22pm I was already in the music room. Another girl came to ask if she could do the music exam but I told her that I would only be free until after school. I told her to ask her parents if they would be able to let her do it after school and it seemed impossible. I will wait for Monday just for her. I decided to go to 1L in their Home Room to have class. Students were leaving for their football game in the evening.

    For the remainder of that double period, I corrected the homework on the board. The students were asked to take the listening exercise that they notated in class and transcribe it in music manuscript books. Some of the students did surprisingly well. I did not tell them what I did. I wanted to see what they would do with it since it was their first experience of trying to notate some music. The fourth exercise was sung by me after writing out the solfege and labelling G, A and B on Sol, La and Ti. The test papers were returned and I went through the hard questions in detail. A lot of them were absent today.

    Once the session was finished, I sat on the teacher’s chair and it took me a very long time to leave the building. I couldn’t believe how tired I was. Tok me a very long while to get up and leave. I packed up my bag slowly and the cough all day was hard to battle. The children heard me cough and struggle with it. But thank you, Lord Jesus, for the successful day, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

    I got to the office and asked for the Form 1 booklet to be printed. Only twelve books were needed on my list. I had the labels written up, and booklets stapled and stuck them. I will keep these for when I have class with the Form 1s. While waiting in the staffroom that evening for Susan and “Maria” I fell asleep. Susan had to wake me up when she was leaving to go in the car. I got home and did a lot of whole before my Spanish. I was so tired that I fell asleep on myself during Spanish lessons. Tomorrow is TTUTTA conference. We will not have school.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:00 am – 4:27 pm)

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #43) – Day #195

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 11 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (October 2023)

[T1, W:06 – D:27, (Td:2)*].

** picture of desk files

Dear Diary,

    This morning I got to Valsayn with a new maxi driver. It was too hard to wake up. I was hurried to fix up and go to class. Praise God Miss Mohammed was there in the office to help me make prints or conduct with 2M. I went to the music room first but since time was going, I went over to them in Block K. Thery met me at Block’s doors and we went back into their Home Room.

    There was one more staff of barlines to do in their orange book. Then I had Seth hand out the Minim and Quaver Note Trees worksheet. The answer for the quaver rest note-tree was given. I explained that the Minim note tree would be for twenty per cent of their coursework marks. I handed out the Form 1 Crotchet note tree that they would not have been given and then the conducting handout. I have each of them three pieces of masking tape to stick. Exercise A was demonstrated and given for homework.

    Directly after the quick end of time, I had 1L. They were the first class to have the recorder lessons. The note was given followed by an explanation and demonstration of sitting posture, and pitches G, A, B. Some of them still did not remember to play their recorder when not asked to. They were given a short listening exercise using the pitches G, A and B to determine what order they were played. Each bar was in groups of four and they too had to identify how long the pitches were played. I did not pass around to check books because we had at least two minutes and thirty seconds. The children seemed to understand how to play.

    After recess, the third lower school had English exams for the second half of the day. Each exam was a double period long. I got to Block K a bit late after having my recess but exams did not start as yet. I met Mrs Santana in the corridor. She gave me the papers and walked me to 1M where I was the supervisor. I greeted the students and conducted the exam. I also had them turn off their cell phone and put them in their bags. The bags were already placed in front of the room.

    During the exam, Mrs Santana came to check in and then prefects were coming to let us teachers off to the staff meeting. I was told by a prefect that there was a staff meeting going on. I told him that I would prefer to start and supervise the rest of the exam. For me, I felt like it would have been an irresponsible thing to do. The class was very cold. We worked down to lunchtime when I collected the papers. One student was ill and I gave another permission to leave to get their Form Teacher.

    I met back Mrs Santana in the staffroom. I sat with her and Miss Pierre and the rest of the room was empty. I learned that the staff meeting was about the Achievements Awards for picking a theme which was voted on and also come committee to be formed. I had the worksheets with me for this evening’s exam but Mrs Santana told me that I was free and I should take it. She gave me a sheet of paper to write down the instructions for the worksheet I wanted 2F to do. Mrs Sharma-Persad would be the supervisor for that exam.

    On my walk back to the office, I saw Jessie and Sadia offered to review the time signatures. That was a good test to see what would happen. The girl as I suspected pulled him away from the work. I will see if they come tomorrow.

    I met “Yash” walking back to his classroom area. Probably he gave up waiting for me to show. I apologised and got right into the work. Today’s session was Time signatures for Grade 1. I decided to skip a good few lessons to help him prep for the exam that I would like him to do with the rest of the Form 2s.

    By the time he had done four of the exercises in the red book, I had to wrap up and send him immediately off to class. It was 1:40 pm and he was late for his English B exam with the rest of the lower school. A 2F student of mine had to be rushed to the hospital by ambulance. It was very scary to see this happen in an actual school. I hope that the girl will be alright and back to school soon.

    I took the rest of the afternoon getting my desk in order. I cleaned it up and after looking for one thing, the whole table got messed up. I cleared it back up a second time. I also had mew new folder added. The Form 2 content in the Form 1 folders was now moved over to the Form 2 files. The entire desk was very colourful. Today was also the first of Miss Gittens’ Wednesday and Friday evening classes for the Form 5s with SBAs.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:57 am – 3:39 pm)

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #43) – Day #194

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 10 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 14 October 2023)

[T1, W:06 – D:26, (Td:1)*].


Dear Diary,

    I got to Valsayn with a new driver today. She said that she found an old template that I could use for the creation of the new invitations for the St. George’s College Achievement Awards. It was a small, cute card with everything to do over. We walked into the office together and she went into her office. She said, “Is Good that ah fine yuh early, eh boy. ‘Cause yuh know how my day does be already.” I said, “Yeah, ah know!”

    I  saw Miss Santana and Miss Gittens in the office. I was met by the Doctor in the corridor while walking to the office. Miss Santana said that she would have the take the exam papers and sort them out before she could give me some to do. I had to help ‘Doctor’ find the book for the parents or guardians to sign. There was a student who was not feeling well and wanted to go home early. That was before school had called for assembly.

    Afterwards, Miss Jones came to sign. Isekel and I learned that it was her Wedding Anniversary that day. I ate my ham and cheese pie while it was hot and left the other one for later. I was happy when Mr Ramdath came to the office. He mentioned the word lesson plan and I was glad that there were teachers who did them.

    This morning I had a long wait for the Form 1s to get to the music room. As I was waiting for 1F to come to their first music exam, I got a letter from Mr Mohammed from his parent to exclude him from the class. I felt very weird getting that letter. He also told me that I  asked that the rest of the children remain in their Home Room when they have music class. Some of the students were restless. I got all the papers marked and graded afterwards. I noticed the cheating but six of the students.

    During lunch at the wrap up a 1L student came to do the make-up of the first exam. He for 37 of 40 marks. I went back to Block K to help Miss Santana with an early stapling of the test papers. She was surprised to see me. The staffroom over there was empty and colder. It made me cough a lot but I had my face mask on. I stapled out all the Form 2 English A exam papers and handed them over to Miss before crossing the corridor to 2F.

    I had all exercises A-C in the conducting exercises completed and given for homework. I  also gave them the 3-beat conducting pattern to interpret. I want to see how they think it might be. There was another long waiting for the bus shuttle to come for all the children that evening. Mis Patel shared some of her VIPS snacks with us. It ate just like the peanuts M&Ms. On our way out to Curepe by the intersection, I saw “Shiraz” driving his maxi down in the other direction.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – : pm)

Yesterday: (7:46 am – 3:21 pm)

Friday, October 6, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #42) – Day #192

 Date for Entry: (Friday 06 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 14 October 2023)

[T1, W:05 – D:24, (Td:5)*].

** Mr Lalawah message

Dear Diary,

    Got up tired late at night. “Frank” was the maxi driver this morning. He gave me the door passenger seat and we were off after someone got into the front seat. He did rhythmic tapping on his dashboard to “Kung-Fu Fighting” playing on the radio. It sounded like a good song for Steelpan. Crystal and Isekel were in the maxi behind me.

    My first two periods were free so I went to the art room and worked on my biblical painting. Didn’t see Miss Gittens today. Then I went over to the music room and waited for 1M to come over. They had their test there in the music room. Many of them seem to finish early. I awarded them the remaining ten minutes of the period free to return to their class. Mr Lallwah showed me his drawing and I said “Amen” and shared my response of being self-taught.

    After recess, 2L had their class in the Home Room. We had the conducting class and a few of the girls had issues. Many of the boys were good at conducting. During lunchtime, I  sat by my desk and graded all the exam papers from 1M that morning. I was so happy that 5 students got totals in this first exam. I did the tally once time and took the papers home later that evening to add the marks to my mark book.

    After school, a lot of us took a lime in the staffroom. It was nice to be among the teachers on a Friday afternoon and all of us were talking and laughing. The sky was dark as night and we left after I took some books with me.


  • Picture of Books and Exam Drawings.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:52 am – 3:40 pm)

Thursday, October 5, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #42) – Day #191

Date for Entry: (Thursday 05 September 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (September 2023)

[T1, W:05 – D:23, (Td:4)*].

** Teachers' Day gift

Dear Diary,

    I had a surprising star today. “Mike” was the maxi driver again. He was super-fast on the road. I had to hold on a lot during the trip to Valsayn. Miss Gittens met me in the art room. She told me that it was Teachers’ Day. Miss Mary met us and we had a very good lengthy conversation that morning before assembly finished.

    I went to the music room. Very noisy. I taught the crotchet and minim tree to 2L and they had to create it on blank paper for homework. Exercise 3 was given to them for homework. I locked up the music room and went to the staff room until recess was over. There was a strange smell in there. Went outside quickly because of a headache. I went out by the dark hall on the side of the corridor. Dark rain clouds began to flood the sky.

    I had my scrap notebook with me to design and construct the time signatures exam for my Form 2s. It took the full fifth and sixth periods to do so and also two minutes into lunchtime. However, there was a stop to chat with “Miranda” when she asked me to do the invitations for the George’s Awards. I told her, “Okay, sure. If I can do it well, I can try.” We spoke about the interview and then she left. Some students left a gift for her and I was asked to take the picture.

    During lunchtime, a girl from 1L came to do the make-up test. I thought “Yash” was going to come. Instead, other Form 1 students came and asked if I could pen the music room. Once I heard the question, I did not want to go all the way out to the guard. It was raining. I took them to the door and had them wait to get it open from the back. The back was locked. Had to go and get the keys from the guards to open. I decided to leave the room open for later instead.

    Returning to the office, I graded the paper before the girl could return and she did very well by passing the exam under my particular standard. The rest of lunchtime went by. I had 2M. I got my bag and went up to the music room. A lot of talking happened throughout this class. I had to shout at them for the first time. I did not like it but it was becoming unbearable. I gave them the last exercise in the book to do for homework.

    At the end of class, I looked in front of the coffin box and the keyboard was not returned. I  did not bother to get angry. I walked at my own pace. When I entered the library and walked up to Miss Solomon’s desk, I asked if she knew where the students who brought the keyboard were still here. I took up the keyboard and told her that I would take it myself. When I rested on the desks in the music room, I didn’t want to answer my phone. I still answered and it was Aunty Vangy. She told me that she came to pick me up but I  told her that I had to fix up and then pack my bags. She said okay.

    A student met me halfway in the corridor with the keyboard stand. I had to walk back to the music room after dropping the stand and setting the keyboard back because I had forgotten to lock the room. It took me some time to pack and then use the washroom and then I went to tell Miss Gittens and Susan that I was leaving early. Aunty and I stopped off at Trinity first. We then went to FCMC and I met Miss Ramsarran there. We had a stop at Price Mart and then to Massy’s before getting home at 7:30 in the evening.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:19 am – 3:10 pm)

Yesterday: (7:49 am – 3:22 pm)

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #42) – Day #189

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 03 October 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (September 2023)

[T1, W:05 – D:21, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning, the taxi driver was disgusting in his behaviour about my whiteboard. Very loud with me in front of the rest of the passengers. He made me sit but the door in the front. Praise to God that I can counter compromise. I released a loud shouting prayer as I walked my way into the compound. I came to Valsayn today with just a few minutes to go before assembly. Signed and went to the music room which was closed.

    I gave “Aaron” the mini whiteboard to keep in the room for when the supervisor and Miss Mary returned to take to their office area. As I was walking out to the guard booth Miss Robert called me and said that the Form 3s would be coming to the music room so that I should have my Form 1 class in class that morning. I turned around and decided to go down to Block K.

    I met Miss Mary in the corridor with Miss “Alicia” about leaving my mini whiteboard from home. She said that she saw it when I came with it earlier. I went to 2L to meet Miss Gittens before the roll call. I was telling her about my suggestions for staff meetings during the fourth and fifth periods. She agreed to do my first of two clinical supervisions that same morning with 1M. I told her that 1L this afternoon would be having a test but she said that she had to leave early.

    As soon as class attendance that morning was done, we walked over to wait outside of 1M. Miss Liba was still taking attendance. The class was fun. We had a review of the previous topics before the “How Do You Do” game. Everyone was able to participate and the last two difficult ones were the more fun ones for them. They had the note copied and after some time the in-class exercise was corrected. I was glad to see that the students understood it.

    As Miss Gittens and I finished class, I had 1F. They were already out of their classroom and headed down to the music room. A boy was helping me to take their red books but he thought my desk was in the music room. I took it from him halfway so he wouldn’t miss class. I did a review and they were not able to answer. I hope this is not going to be a trouble-making class as 2F. Shouting was required in the latter half. I have them the homework and reminder of the test next class.

    I began to grade the work done in their red books thus far but took the second half to the library during recess to not be late for the monthly staff meeting. I graded out the rest while holding Miss Gittens’s seat for her to go get breakfast. I carried my breakfast to the library too. I was able to correct out all the books from the class and then had my first pie while waiting for the meeting to start.

    We had an opening prayer. There was a speech from the Principal about “DD” on vacation and not sure if she might be back. We spoke about in-class assembly on days when there was RI. Issues with Wi-Fi and no idea when it will be fixed. We heard that tomorrow would be Parents’ Day for upper school students doing exams and no shuttle services would be there tomorrow. (No sign of Miss Chote there too.) We were told that with the Bomb scare, only up to one hundred emails could have been sent out per hour. Long talk after some of us fell asleep and discussed students’ achievements.

    The meeting concluded at 1:08 p.m. An hour was given to the teachers for lunch. I went to the office to get water. I remembered Mr “Marlon” made a joke about me eating my pie in the library while he sipped his Coca-Cola. I waited with my bag for the seventh period to begin and then went off to Block K to 1L.

    The class was not supervised. We had about 33 minutes for school time and that same time for the first test. Praise God it was enough time for the children to finish the entire paper. I was hoping that all of the students were there. Not sure how many persons there were to be in class. Miss Laurance came to take a roll during the test. I was very pleased with most of the answers I saw in their responses. 1F was too noisy in the other classroom. I heard something bounce on the cardboard.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:35 pm)