Thursday, June 1, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #32) – Day #144

Date for Entry: (Thursday 01 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (June 2023)

[T3, W:07 – D:32*, (Td:03)*].

Dear Diary,

    One Georgian was in the maxi with me this morning. It was tough to wake up too. I had 1M and got them to the music room as quickly as I could. They got the Major Scales lesson as 1F last evening. Miss Roberts came in and did a review with her Form 5 students. Today was Music Paper 1 for the CXC exams. Before the class left the room Seth, ‘Vanna’ and Nathaniel did a short performance of “Out and Bad.”

    I had breakfast in the office afterwards. Once that was out of the way, I got the names of the students who needed copies of the workbook. I had them stapled and added a blue adhesive label on them. I decided to write their names in case the label fell off. Twelve students from the three classes and two others from MTS gave their names. They were delivered by lunchtime.

    In the afternoon, Miss Roberts asked me to do a class with 2L. I did not feel so good at that time. It took me a while to walk to the building and then climb up all those stairs. I thought I made it too late but the Form teacher was still inside for roll call. Miss Pope was their Form Teacher.

    When I got into the classroom, there were some really lovely factorisation questions. I got a marker out of my back and did the ones they had to do in class. I had to leave the next column as it was their homework. The topic was major Scales for Ab, Bb and A. I also showed them how to create the tonic triads out of those scales. This session took very long to end until sometime in the eighth period, Miss Chote came and asked for help from some students.

    I did not see Josean for her session during lunchtime. I went over the homework with Sanjay after the delivery of the workbook copies. I had to explain the difference between ascending and descending and the pattern of tones and semitones for him to understand what to write. The session after having 2L was very tiring. I was only able to get one chart completed for the day. I got my three sheets of Bristol board cut in halves.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 2:48 pm)

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