Tuesday, June 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #160

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 27 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:48*, (Td: Test Week)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn with one Georgian alone. ‘Frank’ was the driver and he got angry when the lady in the front seat slammed the door too hard. While singing in the book I was still the only OJT to reach in the office. I had breakfast in the kitchen and then Jeanice and I helped Donna staple Spanish exam papers. I transferred the marks from last night’s papers that I graded. The attendance for the exam was done and the teacher’s log for this term was finalised. I was glad that all the students were present for the exam that morning.

    I was met by Miss Roberts in the office with her correction for the Form 2 Music exam in the second session. We had some other confusion about who should have the exam papers and the collection of the papers. Some of us saw that Miss Roberts was missing from the compound again when exam time was about to begin. Miss Gittens gave me her papers to keep on my way o the exam class that I was given the responsibility to supervise.

    She took the papers some minutes before recess was completed. This morning I had 2L to supervise their Form 2 Music exam. They were good in behaviour. Toward the end of the supervision, heavy rain burst down and a lot of the students were soaked down. We began to hear stories from other students that said that the ground floor was already flooded out. Only when the rain eased up, I left the classroom to go downstairs. A student came asking me a lot of questions from the test too.

    Lunchtime went by quickly. I had 1M as my second class for supervision that evening. I had to remind Miss Gittens that there must have been a  Visual Arts paper to give me when I reviewed the Theatre exam. The exam began a little late trying to settle the students. The exam began at 1:11 and finished at 2:22 pm. Had to look for Miss Jones but she met me in front of the office door. She didn’t know how to open the newspaper envelope that I made for containing the papers.

    Plenty of dark clouds as night still filled the sky. We were told that two classrooms in the evening had flooded out. A lot of the children before the last exam today were asking if the school was going to be over early. They would have probably been sent to the auditorium. A lot of children also took the busses that evening. The rain would have been a lot for them to walk out to the road also.

    Even though I took the 2L paper home, I  did not bother to grade them. I decided to work on the “My Tribute” score that I sent to Mrs Santana. I wanted to see if I could transform it into a steelpan arrangement for the function and also add it to my archives.


  • "My Tribute" -Lead Sheet.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:51 am – 3:28 pm)

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