Monday, June 5, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #33) – Day #146

Date for Entry: (Monday 5 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 18 June 2023)

[T3, W:08 – D:24*, (Td:05)*].


Dear Diary,

    This morning ‘Kendrick’ was the driver. I got in the front middle seat, one lady sat next to me and the maxi went down the road. When I came out three other Georgians came out with me. As soon as I finished signing the attendance log, I had a nice chat with Mr Marlon. He got to see the lesson plan book that I made for the Form 1s. He told me that I should have tried publishing it but somehow the book still did not feel complete in its present ‘finished’ state.

    As soon as Mr Marlon walked off, Miss Gittens walked into the office and she spoke with me after signing. She mentioned a man coming to service for the first time and she said that he gave prophetic words and began to speak tongues. It was wonderful to hear the remainder of the story. As our chat began to come to an end, Mrs Santana came into the office and the three of us spoke until Miss Gittens agreed to sing the “To the Ceiling” and left.

    Reviewed 1L Grand staff exam and entered marks to the mark sheet. The attendance for Friday was also taken. I went to the staffroom to see if I got a place to sit and work on the “Thank You For Being My Dad” for Miss Jones. It took me the full third and fourth periods to complete the last minute of music for the melody only.

    From the start of lunchtime, I got an invitation room Miss Jones to come to the Theatre Arts room when I messaged her. I took the laptop to play the music but did not know that she had large speakers in her room to play the music. Once the jack was inserted and the music was set, I played it and we both sang from the words on the lead sheet.

    She told me that it sounded really good. At this point in the arrangement, I was not able to insert the chord for a better play. I also played “To the Ceiling” and it was amazing listening to it from the same speakers. We both enjoyed it along with some other pieces that I showed her from my Christian Worship collection. She was glad to see that there were some Christmas songs completed also.

    During lunchtime, the school was closing at 12:30. I had a PDF of the “To the Ceiling” lead sheet printed and had it sent to Miss Gittens and Miss Lusha. I kept Mrs Santana’s copy by my desk and headed home.

    I continued working on the chords for the “Thank You For Being My Dad” arrangement. By the time half-four came, heavy tiredness came upon me. I woke up at nine in the night and completed inserting the chords in three hours. I was glad that I was satisfied with the music and found it completely because there was too much difficulty and frustration in figuring out the chords. I was glad that some of the MTS workers got copies of my music theory book today before leaving school.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:47 am – 1:41 pm)

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