Wednesday, June 28, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #161

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 28 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:49*, (Td: Test Week)*].

**vapa chat

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn alone. Sadie and her mom went in the next maxi behind me. I was the only OJT in the office again singing in the date for the book. I sent a message in the OJT chat reminding the others about this week our timesheet would be due after getting one for myself. I helped Miss Dana with stapling the Form 1 French exam. Donna Mrs  Raymond and Miss Leiba pooled in and we finished it quickly while I collated.

    At recess time, Miss Roberts was not in school again. So, Miss Gittens handed me the papers to carry up and keep for her until a student told me that Miss Gittens was looking for me. I was told that Miss Roberts went to complain and make a big scene in the office about not receiving her papers. I gave back the papers to Miss Gittens and went back to 3L. She showed up to the classroom when the students were settling into their seats. I had the theatre students and music students sit divided.

    During the exam, Miss Jones was not answering my calls or text messages when students had questions about an essay question. The cover page said to do one structured question and the instruction for the two (section 2) questions said to attempt both. I told the students to pick the questions that they could answer the easiest first and do that one and then try the other question. Jeanice found me from the other classroom and asked about it.

    Miss Jones came back very late and then told the children that it was one of the two questions to try. She also added that the children should try both and the question with the highest mark will be taken. This was after many of the students submitted their papers. She also did not like me sending off the students thirty minutes before an hour.

    At the end of the exam, I gave the papers to Miss Jones and stayed with Miss Gittens until I got out to find a quiet place. There was a meeting being scheduled by Miss Roberts again. She got off very angry and moody that morning when I returned her the Form 2 papers and said that I was not allowed to grade final exam papers. She forced the meeting to suit her timing earlier and all of us (me, Jeanice, Miss Gittens and Miss Roberts) were called into the Principal’s office.

    I got Jeanice from the art room and we walked down to the office. Miss Roberts was actually early for that meeting. Jeanice and I saw her when we got into the office. Strange how Miss Chote was not there. Everyone sat in the same position as the last meeting. I thank God that the meeting was short. ‘Doctor’ said that she had another meeting to attend afterwards. I walked with Miss and helped her tally papers for the seventh and eighth periods until it was time for shuttle duty.

    We also had the practice of “To the Ceiling” after shuttle duty. Miss Leiba was still not in the mood to do the singing. We ran through the song three times with the steelpan but they weren’t able to go with the tempo. I speed it up for them and the singing slowed down. Then I slowed down the tempo and they sped up. We decided to the song without the accompaniment and it worked better. Miss Roberts had left and the music room was locked. We had to get a guard to open up for me to return the instrument. I told the others it was better safe than sorry. Went to Curepe with Mrs Santana.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:43 am – 4:41 pm)

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