Tuesday, June 20, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #35) – Day #155

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 20 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 30 June 2023)

[T3, W:10 – D:43*, (Td:00)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came to Georges alone. It was really hard to wake up this morning. I saw “Saga-boy Andy” chatting with the new driver. “Doctor”, “DD” and Miss Ali were there early. I was the only OJT in the office at the time. It was very quiet in the school and knew it did not have school for students that day. We were having a professional development day in the library.

    Some of the teachers were coming in and mentioning that if the workshop went on more than 2:30 pm that they would have been leaving immediately. I took the attendance for 1M and 1F last week with the teacher’s log entries for those sessions. It took me about an hour and forty-five minutes to do all of that work.

    As soon as Donna was leaving the office she asked with a smile, “How come yuh not in professional development? Yuh duckin’ o’ wah?” I told her that I was not sure if I would have been welcomed in that particular session. She said that I should be welcome there. I grabbed my folder, a book to take notes, my pencil case and a water bottle to head off with her to the library.

    The session was left by a representative from TTUTTA named Mr Adesh Dwarika. During the break session, Mr Bain told me that Mr Dwarika was his form teacher in Form 1. The topic being presented was proper team building. I noticed that a lot of this session was something that highlighted my experiences with Miss Roberts. Everything he mentioned showed the poor positioning between us. I don’t think she may ever change her ways but I continue to try.

    The session ended at lunchtime. I cancelled the roti that they were ordering because I brought food home. I had it earlier that morning so I would not have to eat again. I remained in the office and worked on my sketch for this week’s second episode of Project Runway season 20. The information on the sketch board form was written in first. I had a surprise visit from Andrew who brought his friend on Campus that evening. I hope to colour and complete it at home.


  • Project Runway 20 [Episode 2] – “Project Redemption” Sketch.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 3:18 pm)

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