Monday, June 12, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #34) – Day #150

 Date for Entry: (Monday 12 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 19 June 2023)

[T3, W:09 – D:38*, (Td:03)*].

Dear Diary,

    Plenty of rain came down in the morning. I got out onto the pavement with the two Georgian boys and they ran off to the gate of the compound in their hoodies as the rain busted down heavier. I got soaked along with everything else in my bag. Some of my books were damp to the lower ends. The office did not have electricity until ten in the morning.

    I got marks from over the weekend entered into my mark sheets and then went off to 1M with my bag. I was not sure if to leave them but I took the opportunity to get work done and work with the present students even if it was to be done in the darkness. I saw the Chemistry teacher in 1L working with them.

    I reviewed pitches for B, A, and G on the recorder. I had some of them use a pencil or a pen if they did not have the recorder. Then we moved into a short note for intervals. Not much time was given after explaining the melodic and harmonic types. I told them that they would receive a picture of the notes for key signatures to copy in their books.

    Afterwards, I went to start working on an exam paper but the staffroom was too crowded after the current came back. I returned to the office at lunchtime and worked with ‘Mr Warner while he worked on Major scales during his detention. While colouring in the art room, Miss Roberts called to ask if I could teach minor scales. I told her that I did not know how to teach it.

    She came late into the session for 2L that evening. I had major scales reviewed as the other classes and then we went into the key signatures for each scale. They learned about enharmonic equivalents from me. Miss Roberts took over and did the same thing. Time for teaching the minor scale was not enough so she had to leave it for the next class.

    After school, we had an issue trying to remember if May 10th was Parents’ Day and the events of the day. Saw Mrs Santana in the office before she left. The sky was like night. I was glad to finally get some skateboards printed for Season 20 of Project Runway starting on Wednesday.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:23 am – 3:55 pm)

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