Wednesday, June 7, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #33) – Day #148

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 7 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 18 June 2023)

[T3, W:08 – D:36*, (Td:01)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came with Daniel to Valsayn-Georges this morning. I had 1M this morning and I corrected the homework and showed them key signatures. Did not have time to teach them intervals. 2M came to the music room for the third and fourth periods. I chose to review Major scales (A, Bb, and Eb) and the tonic triads. I also showed them the note tree.

    3F came to me right after recess. I asked them to tell me about a topic that they were having confusion or difficulty with. One girl chose ties and slurs so I reviewed with them. Miss Roberts was late at the half of the fifth period with ‘Tia’. Then when questions were asked about time signatures, I reviewed that also with the use of the note tree. I  was not sure if they had seen it before.

    I couldn’t help Miss Gittens with her pencil-shaped rules for Sunday school. Started to feel sick after those six periods of teaching. Went to sit and lime in the staffroom after hearing Donna with Indian music. I sat with Miss Lucia and Greenaway to hear about the true meaning of the original stories that Disney had. I knew two of them but not all. I also learned that some of the old nursery rhymes had secret meanings with gruesome stories.

    For the after-shuttle lime, Miss Liba had us try a dixie biscuit. It was amazing. Met Dad and Andrew in the car in Curepe after the ride.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:57 am – 4:37 pm)

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