Tuesday, June 13, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #34) – Day #151

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 13 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 19 June 2023)

[T3, W:09 – D:39*, (Td:04)*].

Dear Diary,

    ‘Shiraz’ was the driver. I met Kiel in the maxi when ‘Eddie’ and Zaheer joined us. I still remember the song that Zaheer and his friends shared with me the last time Miss Roberts did not show up to school. I met Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Santana in the office while having breakfast.

    Miss Roberts came in hurriedly. Asked to see me by lunchtime. I went over to the music during the third period to see her get the meeting over with. I saw invigilators in the room and it meant that the CAPE students had a written exam that morning. She had to leave the room and as I went down the corridor, she met with me to speak about the topics with the Form 1 students. We were frustrated that she could not understand what was going on.

    Fifth and sixth brought an unexpected meeting while sitting by my desk. There was talk about the possibility of Miss Paul’s return to school. Miss Roberts showed up to that meeting late. An entire meeting with decisions occurring and relating to me and I was not invited. It was also part of VAPA and Miss Gittens too was not invited.

    They spoke about the need for a new teacher for Miss Paul when she retires at the end of next term. I also heard my name about working with the lower school teacher “If we get one we’ll just put Daryl to do practicals with the Form 3s.” Still did not have luck finding a Form 2 curriculum book but I got music for “To the Ceiling” printed for Miss Greenaway.

    Later that afternoon, I completed the major scales homework and the key signatures homework. The interval notes were given but I did not explain it. The children refused to work with me so I left it for them to figure it out along with the videos in the Google Classroom.

    Got a ride with Mr. Santana and she told me that she was trying to get the function for Mrs Roger-Small on the 30th of June. I was a bit relieved when she said that it would be the practice for the “To the Ceiling” tomorrow and not the function itself.

    I had high hopes for it until Isa showed me the experimental print and it came out the same as yesterday. Last night I got the Project Runway revised again. I’m not sure if the print would come out the way I wanted it. I knew I would have to go back home to do over the entire form.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 3:11 pm)

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