Monday, June 26, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #159

Date for Entry: (Monday 26 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 30 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:47*, (Td: Test Week)*].

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first day of exams. I got to Valsayn alone. Mr Marlon was in the office and chatting with ‘Nia’. I also began using a new book to start documenting my daily events since the copybook came to an end. I used a blue wrapper from a ream to cover it that ‘DD’ left for me some weeks ago. I had breakfast in the kitchen and couldn’t eat much. Was not feeling to eat either.

    Sitting back at my desk, Miss Leiba came in to run her paper but the office staff doesn’t come in that hour of the morning. They got it printed eventually. I helped her staple them over in Block C with ‘GG’ while they spoke with Miss Dana. Recess time was about to begin and I had not seen ‘Deane’ come to check me. A few students asked me questions while the rest walked about the campus without studying.

    At the sound of the 11:00 bell for the fifth and sixth bell, Miss Gittens came and told me that we would have to send the Form 1s into the hall. Wished I got a picture of them doing the exam but it was probably not allowed. Miss Roberts came into the hall late. I could not believe that she just sat there doing whatever was on her laptop while the children had questions. I continued to try to clarify as best as I could.

    There was a limp somehow. She walked out of the hall with Jeanice in the middle of the exam leaving me and Miss Gittens alone to see about the children. It took them a long time to get back there. Then she packed up her things and left after speaking to Miss. I hope she doesn’t come after me when these papers are graded in a way that she doesn’t want it. She may just have to ‘fix’ them for herself.

    When the students were handing up their papers, Jeanice took the 1L papers to carry back to Miss  Roberts in the music room. I packed it in the newspaper envelope that I made and handed it to Jeanice. Walked back to the office with Miss and then to the art room. We looked at pictures of nails during the last period for her Graduation ceremony look and then went down to shuttle duty and a  trip to the café.

    I left and went to sit in the staffroom. Miss Patel and ‘GG’ was there sharing pictures of gardens with me and ‘GG’ kept on teasing me about the pictures with the cats. I tried a pina-Colada suck-ah-bag for the first time. It was really good. The chat among the teachers was wonderful. I hoped they start the baking class soon. When I got home Seth’s paper was the first to grade. I took four hours from 7:00 to grade all of the 1F and 1M papers from today’s exam.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40 am – 4:28 pm)

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