Thursday, June 29, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #162

Date for Entry: (Thursday 29 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:50*, (Td: Test Week)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came in the maxi with Sadie and Lenny, Form 1 students that I teach. I was happy that the driver was ‘Arthur’ since I hadn’t seen him in a while. Didn’t have time to eat. Got papers from Joshua in the staffroom and immediately Donna came into the goon and pulled out a beautiful bar of chocolate from her bookbag and gave it to me. 

    I went to put it away safely and went straight up to 2M since I was running a little late. Janice came in very late and asked which class she was scheduled to supervise and whom to look for. I told her that I did not know. I saw she had a nice ream of letter-sized paper for the exam.

    Miss Gittens came up to the upper floor to see if the students were all right. She stayed at the back of the class until the last ten minutes to do something. Three girls and one boy remained last. The boy submitted before the last two minutes of the full-time. Thankful that I had my staple machine with me. They had origami to do for the exam.

    On my way down the stairs, I met Janice in 2F to hand her the Form 2 exam papers. It was nice that some of the students were happy to see me. I met some students trying to find the girl that lent the class her scissors to do origami. Luckily, she was in the front of the admin building and I was able to return it to her.

    Mis Roberts gave me a call as if she was in a hurry. She wanted to find out if I was coming to the office and not realise that I was in an exam. She and Miss Jones ended up chatting long And long about graduation and not having time for the students to rehearse. Both ladies walked out of the office and she forgot about me. I left the papers right there on my desk.

    I then had breakfast. At the same time, Jeanice left the compound with Miss Roberts and I was met by ‘Jeremy’ and Aiden. They came to ask if Miss Roberts was there and if the music room was open. I told them that she left and they would have to wait for her to get back.

    My purple pen finished today while writing in my school log. During the fourth period, Ms Coker (1M) met me and asked me to do the makeup test. When I asked when she would be available to do it, she said that she had to go to Merits. Did not even know that they were going to have the merit awards ceremony today. Mr Bains had already come to talk to Mrs Allen Brown about the letter from Mr Hains’ father which I got a copy of from Miss Gittens.

    The girl came back and did it after recess. I took the time to draw for the fourth episode of Project Runway. Crystal got some time to look through my two books and I graded the exam paper. I was very proud of what I drew. Ms Coker got 68 out of 70 and the mark was transferred to the mark sheet immediately before I forgot.

    As soon as the student left, I saw ‘Varry’ and some of his classmates helping ‘Hodgie’ into the office. Apparently, some boy decided to tackle him. Not sure what that meant. I soon learned that it was ‘Mr Smiles’. As they waited, ‘Varry’ stayed back with ‘Hodgie’. ‘Varry’ came close by to see what I was doing. I got to share my Project Runway season 18 and 19 books with him since I knew he likes to draw. He taught me about layering. I tried it and that was very helpful. The colouring did not take me long at all to do.

    Lunchtime had finished and I did not even realise. Jeanice gave me a particular kind of look as I was walking out the door. I tallied 1M Visual Arts scripts and two for 1L. On my question, Miss Gittens said that marks were to be entered into the mark book tomorrow. We also had practice after shuttle duty. We ran through the song five times and that was all. Mrs Santana helped me carry back the pan stand and took me to Curepe. Aiden and ‘Jeremy’ were still in the music room.

    I had study sessions with Uncle Ram and Aunty Anmarie that evening a little later. I came home very late and was sooooo exhausted. We started at 7:28 pm that evening and ended at four minutes to 9:00. The show started and the introduction gave me time to pull the chair, music stand and small table together to start recording the full show. I got my data form out at the first commercial segment.


  • Project Runway 20 – Episode 04 Sketch & Entry.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 4:36 pm)

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