Wednesday, June 14, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #34) – Day #152

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 14 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 19 June 2023)

[T3, W:09 – D:40*, (Td:05)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I took a  front seat in the maxi. I did not realise that Tyrell was in the back. We spoke a little while walking into the compound. Not many people were in the office. So early and a student was asked to fill out an incident report form in the ‘lobby’ corner for Mrs Sawh. I hoped to get the exam script and recorder slips done for printing today.

    Mrs Santana came and told me that we would have to cancel the practice today because Miss St Louis would not be able to make it. I then went to have breakfast in the kitchen. I enjoyed the Catholic RE from the spec room. An elderly lady was the host for that group.

    Another meeting was offered in the VP’s office. It was very loud. I got the attendance from yesterday completed. Once I was done Mrs Pope came and ask me for help to make a fruit basket for Mrs Allen-Brown. I helped her wrap it up and gave her my ribbon to tie it nicely. It was given to Mrs Alen-Brown at lunchtime although I was not there.

    I was also able to complete typing up my Form 1 exam for the remainder of the day until 12:33 to take a rest before class with 1F in the evening. I decided to leave the test as an eighty percent exam. During lunchtime, I ended up messaging Mrs Santana and asked if it was okay to have practice today since everyone else was there.

    The class with 1F was too noisy. There was no sign of Miss Roberts today again. She did not come to class in the music room. I got to correct the key signatures homework and completed the tonic triads lesson with an explanation. Jessie and Nickell broke class. I reviewed pitches on treble and bass staves for Aliyah.

    While waiting for shuttle duty to finish, Mrs Santana came and ask if we were still going to do the practice. Miss Gittens told her that she would not be able to make it tomorrow and we already have everyone here besides Miss St Louis. We had a really nice evening laughing and singing. We snag a few times from the YouTube recording and twice from my arrangement. I got sketch board version 18 to print for tonight’s show.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:59 am – 4:32 pm)

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