Friday, June 30, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #163

Date for Entry: (Friday 30 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:51*, (Td: Test Week)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came to Valsayn with one Georgian in the maxi. Spoke with Crystal to sign in at her cubical. She was early singing out her time sheet. We got out sheets signed early because Kiel was going to drop them off today. She and Daysha were going on a field trip. There were also four 1M girls that brought in their books for me to check. I was using these notes for coursework marks this term. Spoke with Miss Gittens in the art room to remind her about rehearsal at 11:00 am.

    I really had to drop off the papers myself on the way to the music room in getting a tenor pan. It was crazy in there with everything rushed and last minute. We ran through the song five times. Miss Libert was there and she joined us for the last two. I recall bringing my book stand in a red cloth handle bag. I left it for use next week Monday’s final rehearsal.

    Miss Roberts had two students take the pan to carry to the hall. I spent the seventh and eighth periods updating my new chapter in the Project Runway book for season twenty. I also got to enter the Form 1 coursework marks into my Excel mark book. Only 1L marks were not entered because Miss Roberts had the exam papers to mark.

    After school, I packed up my things and went outside. It was only three minutes for the bell to ring after all that work. A heavy sleep came in me and I had not eaten anything the whole day. Limed with Miss Leiba for shuttle duty then Miss Gittens came out of the art room to the staffroom. We joined everyone afterwards. Miss Leiba shared a really interesting biscuit with us after our trip to the cafĂ© and chatting with Miss Mary down by the hall. I helped Miss Gittens paint bases for stencilling the patterns on our t-shirts for Tuesday.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:55 am – 4:18 pm)

Thursday, June 29, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #162

Date for Entry: (Thursday 29 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:50*, (Td: Test Week)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came in the maxi with Sadie and Lenny, Form 1 students that I teach. I was happy that the driver was ‘Arthur’ since I hadn’t seen him in a while. Didn’t have time to eat. Got papers from Joshua in the staffroom and immediately Donna came into the goon and pulled out a beautiful bar of chocolate from her bookbag and gave it to me. 

    I went to put it away safely and went straight up to 2M since I was running a little late. Janice came in very late and asked which class she was scheduled to supervise and whom to look for. I told her that I did not know. I saw she had a nice ream of letter-sized paper for the exam.

    Miss Gittens came up to the upper floor to see if the students were all right. She stayed at the back of the class until the last ten minutes to do something. Three girls and one boy remained last. The boy submitted before the last two minutes of the full-time. Thankful that I had my staple machine with me. They had origami to do for the exam.

    On my way down the stairs, I met Janice in 2F to hand her the Form 2 exam papers. It was nice that some of the students were happy to see me. I met some students trying to find the girl that lent the class her scissors to do origami. Luckily, she was in the front of the admin building and I was able to return it to her.

    Mis Roberts gave me a call as if she was in a hurry. She wanted to find out if I was coming to the office and not realise that I was in an exam. She and Miss Jones ended up chatting long And long about graduation and not having time for the students to rehearse. Both ladies walked out of the office and she forgot about me. I left the papers right there on my desk.

    I then had breakfast. At the same time, Jeanice left the compound with Miss Roberts and I was met by ‘Jeremy’ and Aiden. They came to ask if Miss Roberts was there and if the music room was open. I told them that she left and they would have to wait for her to get back.

    My purple pen finished today while writing in my school log. During the fourth period, Ms Coker (1M) met me and asked me to do the makeup test. When I asked when she would be available to do it, she said that she had to go to Merits. Did not even know that they were going to have the merit awards ceremony today. Mr Bains had already come to talk to Mrs Allen Brown about the letter from Mr Hains’ father which I got a copy of from Miss Gittens.

    The girl came back and did it after recess. I took the time to draw for the fourth episode of Project Runway. Crystal got some time to look through my two books and I graded the exam paper. I was very proud of what I drew. Ms Coker got 68 out of 70 and the mark was transferred to the mark sheet immediately before I forgot.

    As soon as the student left, I saw ‘Varry’ and some of his classmates helping ‘Hodgie’ into the office. Apparently, some boy decided to tackle him. Not sure what that meant. I soon learned that it was ‘Mr Smiles’. As they waited, ‘Varry’ stayed back with ‘Hodgie’. ‘Varry’ came close by to see what I was doing. I got to share my Project Runway season 18 and 19 books with him since I knew he likes to draw. He taught me about layering. I tried it and that was very helpful. The colouring did not take me long at all to do.

    Lunchtime had finished and I did not even realise. Jeanice gave me a particular kind of look as I was walking out the door. I tallied 1M Visual Arts scripts and two for 1L. On my question, Miss Gittens said that marks were to be entered into the mark book tomorrow. We also had practice after shuttle duty. We ran through the song five times and that was all. Mrs Santana helped me carry back the pan stand and took me to Curepe. Aiden and ‘Jeremy’ were still in the music room.

    I had study sessions with Uncle Ram and Aunty Anmarie that evening a little later. I came home very late and was sooooo exhausted. We started at 7:28 pm that evening and ended at four minutes to 9:00. The show started and the introduction gave me time to pull the chair, music stand and small table together to start recording the full show. I got my data form out at the first commercial segment.


  • Project Runway 20 – Episode 04 Sketch & Entry.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 4:36 pm)

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #161

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 28 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:49*, (Td: Test Week)*].

**vapa chat

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn alone. Sadie and her mom went in the next maxi behind me. I was the only OJT in the office again singing in the date for the book. I sent a message in the OJT chat reminding the others about this week our timesheet would be due after getting one for myself. I helped Miss Dana with stapling the Form 1 French exam. Donna Mrs  Raymond and Miss Leiba pooled in and we finished it quickly while I collated.

    At recess time, Miss Roberts was not in school again. So, Miss Gittens handed me the papers to carry up and keep for her until a student told me that Miss Gittens was looking for me. I was told that Miss Roberts went to complain and make a big scene in the office about not receiving her papers. I gave back the papers to Miss Gittens and went back to 3L. She showed up to the classroom when the students were settling into their seats. I had the theatre students and music students sit divided.

    During the exam, Miss Jones was not answering my calls or text messages when students had questions about an essay question. The cover page said to do one structured question and the instruction for the two (section 2) questions said to attempt both. I told the students to pick the questions that they could answer the easiest first and do that one and then try the other question. Jeanice found me from the other classroom and asked about it.

    Miss Jones came back very late and then told the children that it was one of the two questions to try. She also added that the children should try both and the question with the highest mark will be taken. This was after many of the students submitted their papers. She also did not like me sending off the students thirty minutes before an hour.

    At the end of the exam, I gave the papers to Miss Jones and stayed with Miss Gittens until I got out to find a quiet place. There was a meeting being scheduled by Miss Roberts again. She got off very angry and moody that morning when I returned her the Form 2 papers and said that I was not allowed to grade final exam papers. She forced the meeting to suit her timing earlier and all of us (me, Jeanice, Miss Gittens and Miss Roberts) were called into the Principal’s office.

    I got Jeanice from the art room and we walked down to the office. Miss Roberts was actually early for that meeting. Jeanice and I saw her when we got into the office. Strange how Miss Chote was not there. Everyone sat in the same position as the last meeting. I thank God that the meeting was short. ‘Doctor’ said that she had another meeting to attend afterwards. I walked with Miss and helped her tally papers for the seventh and eighth periods until it was time for shuttle duty.

    We also had the practice of “To the Ceiling” after shuttle duty. Miss Leiba was still not in the mood to do the singing. We ran through the song three times with the steelpan but they weren’t able to go with the tempo. I speed it up for them and the singing slowed down. Then I slowed down the tempo and they sped up. We decided to the song without the accompaniment and it worked better. Miss Roberts had left and the music room was locked. We had to get a guard to open up for me to return the instrument. I told the others it was better safe than sorry. Went to Curepe with Mrs Santana.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:43 am – 4:41 pm)

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #160

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 27 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 01 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:48*, (Td: Test Week)*].

Dear Diary,

    Came to Valsayn with one Georgian alone. ‘Frank’ was the driver and he got angry when the lady in the front seat slammed the door too hard. While singing in the book I was still the only OJT to reach in the office. I had breakfast in the kitchen and then Jeanice and I helped Donna staple Spanish exam papers. I transferred the marks from last night’s papers that I graded. The attendance for the exam was done and the teacher’s log for this term was finalised. I was glad that all the students were present for the exam that morning.

    I was met by Miss Roberts in the office with her correction for the Form 2 Music exam in the second session. We had some other confusion about who should have the exam papers and the collection of the papers. Some of us saw that Miss Roberts was missing from the compound again when exam time was about to begin. Miss Gittens gave me her papers to keep on my way o the exam class that I was given the responsibility to supervise.

    She took the papers some minutes before recess was completed. This morning I had 2L to supervise their Form 2 Music exam. They were good in behaviour. Toward the end of the supervision, heavy rain burst down and a lot of the students were soaked down. We began to hear stories from other students that said that the ground floor was already flooded out. Only when the rain eased up, I left the classroom to go downstairs. A student came asking me a lot of questions from the test too.

    Lunchtime went by quickly. I had 1M as my second class for supervision that evening. I had to remind Miss Gittens that there must have been a  Visual Arts paper to give me when I reviewed the Theatre exam. The exam began a little late trying to settle the students. The exam began at 1:11 and finished at 2:22 pm. Had to look for Miss Jones but she met me in front of the office door. She didn’t know how to open the newspaper envelope that I made for containing the papers.

    Plenty of dark clouds as night still filled the sky. We were told that two classrooms in the evening had flooded out. A lot of the children before the last exam today were asking if the school was going to be over early. They would have probably been sent to the auditorium. A lot of children also took the busses that evening. The rain would have been a lot for them to walk out to the road also.

    Even though I took the 2L paper home, I  did not bother to grade them. I decided to work on the “My Tribute” score that I sent to Mrs Santana. I wanted to see if I could transform it into a steelpan arrangement for the function and also add it to my archives.


  • "My Tribute" -Lead Sheet.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:51 am – 3:28 pm)

Monday, June 26, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #36) – Day #159

Date for Entry: (Monday 26 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 30 July 2023)

[T3, W:11 – D:47*, (Td: Test Week)*].

Dear Diary,

    Today was the first day of exams. I got to Valsayn alone. Mr Marlon was in the office and chatting with ‘Nia’. I also began using a new book to start documenting my daily events since the copybook came to an end. I used a blue wrapper from a ream to cover it that ‘DD’ left for me some weeks ago. I had breakfast in the kitchen and couldn’t eat much. Was not feeling to eat either.

    Sitting back at my desk, Miss Leiba came in to run her paper but the office staff doesn’t come in that hour of the morning. They got it printed eventually. I helped her staple them over in Block C with ‘GG’ while they spoke with Miss Dana. Recess time was about to begin and I had not seen ‘Deane’ come to check me. A few students asked me questions while the rest walked about the campus without studying.

    At the sound of the 11:00 bell for the fifth and sixth bell, Miss Gittens came and told me that we would have to send the Form 1s into the hall. Wished I got a picture of them doing the exam but it was probably not allowed. Miss Roberts came into the hall late. I could not believe that she just sat there doing whatever was on her laptop while the children had questions. I continued to try to clarify as best as I could.

    There was a limp somehow. She walked out of the hall with Jeanice in the middle of the exam leaving me and Miss Gittens alone to see about the children. It took them a long time to get back there. Then she packed up her things and left after speaking to Miss. I hope she doesn’t come after me when these papers are graded in a way that she doesn’t want it. She may just have to ‘fix’ them for herself.

    When the students were handing up their papers, Jeanice took the 1L papers to carry back to Miss  Roberts in the music room. I packed it in the newspaper envelope that I made and handed it to Jeanice. Walked back to the office with Miss and then to the art room. We looked at pictures of nails during the last period for her Graduation ceremony look and then went down to shuttle duty and a  trip to the cafĂ©.

    I left and went to sit in the staffroom. Miss Patel and ‘GG’ was there sharing pictures of gardens with me and ‘GG’ kept on teasing me about the pictures with the cats. I tried a pina-Colada suck-ah-bag for the first time. It was really good. The chat among the teachers was wonderful. I hoped they start the baking class soon. When I got home Seth’s paper was the first to grade. I took four hours from 7:00 to grade all of the 1F and 1M papers from today’s exam.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:40 am – 4:28 pm)

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #35) – Day #156

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 21 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 30 June 2023)

[T3, W:10 – D:44*, (Td:02)*].


Dear Diary,

    This morning I came to Valsayn with ‘Mr. Jobe’ and his mom in the maxi. They waited to see a dean while I got signed into the logbook. Was not sure I was going to get copies of the exam that Sanjay asked me to do for him last Thursday that early in the morning. Tyrell ran the print for me and I saw Mrs Ramsaran in the office.

    I went to the music room to set up my bags and get the children ready. I had 1L that morning. Miss Gittens sent them off with me to the music room after their roll call session. They were really noisy. I did the final lesson with them which was cancelling accidentals. The second half of the note was sent to Google Classroom for them to copy.

    I took up their notebook to go through them as part of their coursework. It was a lot of books. I had to carry my handle bag, pencil case, water bottle and all the books. I met Miss Gittens when she came into the music room to hand me a copy of the supervision timetable for exams. I had kept Miss Roberts’ copy for her until she came.

    Decided to go back to the office. Had to walk carefully too before my pans fell off in the carpark. The carpark would have been easier for me to get to the office faster. Finally had breakfast and got into the book checking. The students received all of their books by recess time. It was only one full hour to go through all. I did not remember to count how many books were reviewed. There was 1 absent student and three without.

    During the fifth and sixth periods, I took the time to type up the same worksheet that Sanjay asked me to type up. I got it printed in the middle of lunchtime and went to wait outside with my bag again for class with 1F. Miss Roberts was there for class and she took up time trying to get the children to settle down. I taught the students the same as 1L this morning. However, the test was given to do as a self-test to help with preparation for the exam.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:58 am – 3:08 pm)

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #35) – Day #155

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 20 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 30 June 2023)

[T3, W:10 – D:43*, (Td:00)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came to Georges alone. It was really hard to wake up this morning. I saw “Saga-boy Andy” chatting with the new driver. “Doctor”, “DD” and Miss Ali were there early. I was the only OJT in the office at the time. It was very quiet in the school and knew it did not have school for students that day. We were having a professional development day in the library.

    Some of the teachers were coming in and mentioning that if the workshop went on more than 2:30 pm that they would have been leaving immediately. I took the attendance for 1M and 1F last week with the teacher’s log entries for those sessions. It took me about an hour and forty-five minutes to do all of that work.

    As soon as Donna was leaving the office she asked with a smile, “How come yuh not in professional development? Yuh duckin’ o’ wah?” I told her that I was not sure if I would have been welcomed in that particular session. She said that I should be welcome there. I grabbed my folder, a book to take notes, my pencil case and a water bottle to head off with her to the library.

    The session was left by a representative from TTUTTA named Mr Adesh Dwarika. During the break session, Mr Bain told me that Mr Dwarika was his form teacher in Form 1. The topic being presented was proper team building. I noticed that a lot of this session was something that highlighted my experiences with Miss Roberts. Everything he mentioned showed the poor positioning between us. I don’t think she may ever change her ways but I continue to try.

    The session ended at lunchtime. I cancelled the roti that they were ordering because I brought food home. I had it earlier that morning so I would not have to eat again. I remained in the office and worked on my sketch for this week’s second episode of Project Runway season 20. The information on the sketch board form was written in first. I had a surprise visit from Andrew who brought his friend on Campus that evening. I hope to colour and complete it at home.


  • Project Runway 20 [Episode 2] – “Project Redemption” Sketch.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 3:18 pm)

Friday, June 16, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #34) – Day #154

 Date for Entry: (Friday 16 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 30 June 2023)

[T3, W:09 – D:42*, (Td:01)*].

Dear Diary,

    I sat in the front seat of the maxi and we drove off immediately. There were two Georgians in the back that walked in with me. The driver was “Christian”. I met Mr Marlon in the office and then an issue with exam student accommodation early in the morning occurred. I got Crystal to help me print out copies of music for today’s Father’s Day lunchtime function.

    I did not have breakfast until after class. I went to the music room and waited. The students took longer to get to the music room because it had religious education for the first period that morning. I did not even have the entire second period too because ‘Tia’ came and interrupted the session for five long minutes to talk. I had less than thirty minutes to complete the homework. Seth was the first to come in that morning and he got to hear me practising part of the “Thank You For Being My Dad.”

    As soon as the students left and the others were coming, I met up with Saskia and she asked IF Miss Roberts was there. She said it would have been nicer if Miss Roberts gave me the topic to teach them instead. When I asked why, it was a nice compliment.

    I returned to the office and helped Donna with stapling some of her Spanish exam papers. We went to the staffroom to do that. I took the time to sightread my music. I didn’t even get the time to practice the music well for the next few hours to come. I got help from Mrs Sawh to get help from a prefect to supervise the exam.

    Some minutes just before lunch in the fifth period I got ‘Reuben’ to help me carry the pan stand and a book stand. We carried it into the library and got it set up. Miss Jones and I met a second time after meeting during recess time about setting up the laptop to her speakers. I had a test run of the song from the Musescore file and it was fine. At 12:30 I met the prefect (Sajid) outside f the music room and told him that in case one shows up by 12:40 that he can leave for the rest of his lunch.

    I returned to the library while everyone was waiting. My performance went last and Miss Jones had described it as the grand final performance. It was very nice of her to share the progress of working on the steelpan arrangement. There were several mistakes made throughout the piece but I continued as if it was a UWI jury. It made me realise too how long I did not play music.

    I returned the book stand and everything myself after the function. I was free and did not see Miss Panchu in the Block K staffroom when trying to visit her. I waited a long while after school fixing up last-minute attendance that I did not do. Luckily, Mrs Santana did not leave school and she took me to Curepe. AB and the big ‘Buss’. We spoke again about some more of the songs for the farewell function for Mrs Rogers-Small.


  • “Thank You For Being My Dad” – Perf. Recording.**


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39 am – 3:22 pm)

Thursday, June 15, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #34) – Day #153

Date for Entry: (Thursday 15 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 19 June 2023)

[T3, W:09 – D:41*, (Td:06)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came to the campus with Sadie and Zaheer in the maxi. The driver was ‘Marco’. I met Mrs Santana in the office again after a chat. She went to try and get the 30th of June for Mrs Roger-Small’s retirement function. I gave Miss Daniels a list of names of students that missed the test. Mr Marlon then came in singing to sign and then he left.

    I went to the staffroom breeze until 2F would come for class in the third and fourth periods. Miss Roberts did not show up to school again. Only her car was in the yard. I went through all the seven major scales (G, D, A, F, Bb, Eb) and immediately into key signatures. I taught them my secret. I also taught them the secret of the tenor pan using the notes as tonics to the major scale.

    I met Miss Gittens at recess in the office. We walked up to the concrete bench and sat outside. The Form 4s had exams going on so we could not enter the room. I helped her with designing Bristol Board ties for the Sunday schoolers to make their Father’s Day cards (at MTC). It was only at the beginning of the seventh period we saw Miss Roberts and ‘Tia’ pulled into the compound. She came to us with a load of paper to say that she put some on my desk to staple and walked off.

    Miss Gittens’ 1F students came over for class outside in the corridor. The Form 4 exam was a full-day kind of exam. By the middle of the eighth period, I was sitting with Sanjay when he asked me to make a worksheet for him to get the extra practice. I told him that I realised that I had been sitting on that same bench since recess and did not get up once. I gave him two dollars to make a copy of it and to rest it on my desk.

    After school, I waited with Miss Gittens and Miss Lieba for the shuttle duty and went to staple out the Form 1 exam papers that Miss Roberts had rested on my desk. I got all of them finished and packed away in time for practice.

    Today’s participants were me, Mrs Santana, Mrs Greenaway, Miss Lieba, Miss St. Louis and Miss Gittens. We used the lead sheet that I made and tried singing from the steelpan arrangement that I did. The practice was adjourned until next Wednesday after Shuttle duty. Came to Curepe with Mrs Santana and got home after six when Aunty Annmarie called for Bible Study. I ended up calling forty minutes past six for class and afterwards, there was the second episode of Project Runway 20.


  • Form 3 Notes - Major Scales. [Request by Email.]


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 4:47 pm)

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #34) – Day #152

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 14 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 19 June 2023)

[T3, W:09 – D:40*, (Td:05)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I took a  front seat in the maxi. I did not realise that Tyrell was in the back. We spoke a little while walking into the compound. Not many people were in the office. So early and a student was asked to fill out an incident report form in the ‘lobby’ corner for Mrs Sawh. I hoped to get the exam script and recorder slips done for printing today.

    Mrs Santana came and told me that we would have to cancel the practice today because Miss St Louis would not be able to make it. I then went to have breakfast in the kitchen. I enjoyed the Catholic RE from the spec room. An elderly lady was the host for that group.

    Another meeting was offered in the VP’s office. It was very loud. I got the attendance from yesterday completed. Once I was done Mrs Pope came and ask me for help to make a fruit basket for Mrs Allen-Brown. I helped her wrap it up and gave her my ribbon to tie it nicely. It was given to Mrs Alen-Brown at lunchtime although I was not there.

    I was also able to complete typing up my Form 1 exam for the remainder of the day until 12:33 to take a rest before class with 1F in the evening. I decided to leave the test as an eighty percent exam. During lunchtime, I ended up messaging Mrs Santana and asked if it was okay to have practice today since everyone else was there.

    The class with 1F was too noisy. There was no sign of Miss Roberts today again. She did not come to class in the music room. I got to correct the key signatures homework and completed the tonic triads lesson with an explanation. Jessie and Nickell broke class. I reviewed pitches on treble and bass staves for Aliyah.

    While waiting for shuttle duty to finish, Mrs Santana came and ask if we were still going to do the practice. Miss Gittens told her that she would not be able to make it tomorrow and we already have everyone here besides Miss St Louis. We had a really nice evening laughing and singing. We snag a few times from the YouTube recording and twice from my arrangement. I got sketch board version 18 to print for tonight’s show.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:59 am – 4:32 pm)

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #34) – Day #151

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 13 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 19 June 2023)

[T3, W:09 – D:39*, (Td:04)*].

Dear Diary,

    ‘Shiraz’ was the driver. I met Kiel in the maxi when ‘Eddie’ and Zaheer joined us. I still remember the song that Zaheer and his friends shared with me the last time Miss Roberts did not show up to school. I met Mr. Raymond and Mrs. Santana in the office while having breakfast.

    Miss Roberts came in hurriedly. Asked to see me by lunchtime. I went over to the music during the third period to see her get the meeting over with. I saw invigilators in the room and it meant that the CAPE students had a written exam that morning. She had to leave the room and as I went down the corridor, she met with me to speak about the topics with the Form 1 students. We were frustrated that she could not understand what was going on.

    Fifth and sixth brought an unexpected meeting while sitting by my desk. There was talk about the possibility of Miss Paul’s return to school. Miss Roberts showed up to that meeting late. An entire meeting with decisions occurring and relating to me and I was not invited. It was also part of VAPA and Miss Gittens too was not invited.

    They spoke about the need for a new teacher for Miss Paul when she retires at the end of next term. I also heard my name about working with the lower school teacher “If we get one we’ll just put Daryl to do practicals with the Form 3s.” Still did not have luck finding a Form 2 curriculum book but I got music for “To the Ceiling” printed for Miss Greenaway.

    Later that afternoon, I completed the major scales homework and the key signatures homework. The interval notes were given but I did not explain it. The children refused to work with me so I left it for them to figure it out along with the videos in the Google Classroom.

    Got a ride with Mr. Santana and she told me that she was trying to get the function for Mrs Roger-Small on the 30th of June. I was a bit relieved when she said that it would be the practice for the “To the Ceiling” tomorrow and not the function itself.

    I had high hopes for it until Isa showed me the experimental print and it came out the same as yesterday. Last night I got the Project Runway revised again. I’m not sure if the print would come out the way I wanted it. I knew I would have to go back home to do over the entire form.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 3:11 pm)

Monday, June 12, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #34) – Day #150

 Date for Entry: (Monday 12 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Monday 19 June 2023)

[T3, W:09 – D:38*, (Td:03)*].

Dear Diary,

    Plenty of rain came down in the morning. I got out onto the pavement with the two Georgian boys and they ran off to the gate of the compound in their hoodies as the rain busted down heavier. I got soaked along with everything else in my bag. Some of my books were damp to the lower ends. The office did not have electricity until ten in the morning.

    I got marks from over the weekend entered into my mark sheets and then went off to 1M with my bag. I was not sure if to leave them but I took the opportunity to get work done and work with the present students even if it was to be done in the darkness. I saw the Chemistry teacher in 1L working with them.

    I reviewed pitches for B, A, and G on the recorder. I had some of them use a pencil or a pen if they did not have the recorder. Then we moved into a short note for intervals. Not much time was given after explaining the melodic and harmonic types. I told them that they would receive a picture of the notes for key signatures to copy in their books.

    Afterwards, I went to start working on an exam paper but the staffroom was too crowded after the current came back. I returned to the office at lunchtime and worked with ‘Mr Warner while he worked on Major scales during his detention. While colouring in the art room, Miss Roberts called to ask if I could teach minor scales. I told her that I did not know how to teach it.

    She came late into the session for 2L that evening. I had major scales reviewed as the other classes and then we went into the key signatures for each scale. They learned about enharmonic equivalents from me. Miss Roberts took over and did the same thing. Time for teaching the minor scale was not enough so she had to leave it for the next class.

    After school, we had an issue trying to remember if May 10th was Parents’ Day and the events of the day. Saw Mrs Santana in the office before she left. The sky was like night. I was glad to finally get some skateboards printed for Season 20 of Project Runway starting on Wednesday.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:23 am – 3:55 pm)

Friday, June 9, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #33) – Day #149

 Date for Entry: (Friday 9 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 18 June 2023)

[T3, W:08 – D:37*, (Td:02)*].

Dear Diary,

    No Georgians were in the maxi with me this morning. Went to the music room. Miss Roberts entered at 8:08 while the lower school was in their Religious Education sessions. She slammed the fifth and sixth periods to do her 3M class on me.

    Religious Education took the first period for the morning and the students had to be hurried over to the music room. 1L came and I corrected the Major scales homework with them and then taught Key signatures. They will have to get the note of the key signature to transfer into their notebook from the Google Classroom.

    After recess, 3M came to me. I went through the notes that they were supposed to copy. Not sure if I took a picture of the notes from the board. Miss Roberts came back with ‘Tia’ from somewhere in the middle of the sixth period and did not want to teach her practical work. The students informed me that they were supposed to start steelpan practical work. I did work on the seven major scales that I did with the Form 2s (C, G, D, A, F, Bb, Eb).

    I had a lunch meeting with Miss Jones to share my musical arrangement for “Thank You For Being My Dad.” Se loved the music. I was then told that the dancer could not perform again. We spoke about the possibilities of playing two solo steelpan pieces, one with the arrangement and one with the YouTube music. Mr Warner came for the Grand Staff exam that he missed while doing his detention time in the office.

    The same thing was done with 1F later that evening. They woo will have to transfer the key signature notes in their book. I did the same Grand Staff exam with 1F and graded them as soon as I got home. The highest mark was 69 out of 70. Mrs Santana and I spoke on our way out to Curepe.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:39 am – 3:28 pm)

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #33) – Day #148

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 7 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 18 June 2023)

[T3, W:08 – D:36*, (Td:01)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came with Daniel to Valsayn-Georges this morning. I had 1M this morning and I corrected the homework and showed them key signatures. Did not have time to teach them intervals. 2M came to the music room for the third and fourth periods. I chose to review Major scales (A, Bb, and Eb) and the tonic triads. I also showed them the note tree.

    3F came to me right after recess. I asked them to tell me about a topic that they were having confusion or difficulty with. One girl chose ties and slurs so I reviewed with them. Miss Roberts was late at the half of the fifth period with ‘Tia’. Then when questions were asked about time signatures, I reviewed that also with the use of the note tree. I  was not sure if they had seen it before.

    I couldn’t help Miss Gittens with her pencil-shaped rules for Sunday school. Started to feel sick after those six periods of teaching. Went to sit and lime in the staffroom after hearing Donna with Indian music. I sat with Miss Lucia and Greenaway to hear about the true meaning of the original stories that Disney had. I knew two of them but not all. I also learned that some of the old nursery rhymes had secret meanings with gruesome stories.

    For the after-shuttle lime, Miss Liba had us try a dixie biscuit. It was amazing. Met Dad and Andrew in the car in Curepe after the ride.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:57 am – 4:37 pm)

Tuesday, June 6, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #33) – Day #147

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 6 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 18 June 2023)

[T3, W:08 – D:35*, (Td:06)*].

**Staff Meeting Email

Dear Diary,

    Today ‘Kendrick’ was the maxi driver again. I took a back seat this time. There were three Georgian students with me walked into the campus. ‘Megan’ met me out on the road and she said that she would have liked to get a copy of the “Mr Ali textbook” that I made for her colleagues yesterday. She gave me some money for the printing and binding and I got it seen about later that evening.

    I met Miss Jones when I had to walk out to the gate to get security to open up for me. I was asl able to greet Brother Ian on his way to Religious Education.

    There was still no one in the office. I helped Miss Gittens with labelling some folders for the children for her church’s Sunday school at my desk. Another nice chat with Mrs Santana took place when I gave her the lead sheet copy from yesterday. I shared my lesson plan book with her and showed her my arrangement of topics for the academic year and she was very impressed.

    During the second period, I was able to finish the introduction. I was glad that the rhythm I heard in my head was notable in a way that was not difficult for me and able to work with whatever I came up with for the guitar and cello instruments. I was back at my desk before recess was over to go to the music room because 2F was coming. They came late to the music room and made a bunch of noise.

    After recess was the staff meeting for the beginning of the month. It did not take long to go through. I sat with Miss Gittens and Miss Mustapha. Some of the things that were discussed:

  • July 04, Tuesday: Submission of Marks.
  • July 05 Wednesday: Graduation Ceremony: “My life, My dreams, My goals.”
  • July 06 Thursday: Registration for Form 1.
  • July 09 Sunday: Graduation Dance.

    Walked back to a room with Miss. We spoke about the thesis from UWI and about  Sunday school. She did mention how the other two ladies and she were really tired as I began to speak about falling asleep yesterday evening. When it was the seventh period, Miss Roberts asked in the office to come and meet her. The printer was talking with some pauses. I waited for the printing to complete. They were sent to the library for binding after school. The meeting did not have much I did not know about which was to do key signatures and intervals after the major scales lesson.

    I travelled to Curepe alone to meet Daddy today. Worked a bit more on the “Thank You For Being My Dad” and completed it. The same pattern from the introduction was used (ostinato) throughout the entire piece. However, because of the mixed-use of the same chords, I had a lot of pitch fixing in each measure. This took me three hours. I had to leave the bassline for some time tomorrow in school or at night. I did not know what to do with it. A PDF of the lead sheet was WhatsApp to Miss Jones.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 3:07 pm)

Monday, June 5, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #33) – Day #146

Date for Entry: (Monday 5 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Sunday 18 June 2023)

[T3, W:08 – D:24*, (Td:05)*].


Dear Diary,

    This morning ‘Kendrick’ was the driver. I got in the front middle seat, one lady sat next to me and the maxi went down the road. When I came out three other Georgians came out with me. As soon as I finished signing the attendance log, I had a nice chat with Mr Marlon. He got to see the lesson plan book that I made for the Form 1s. He told me that I should have tried publishing it but somehow the book still did not feel complete in its present ‘finished’ state.

    As soon as Mr Marlon walked off, Miss Gittens walked into the office and she spoke with me after signing. She mentioned a man coming to service for the first time and she said that he gave prophetic words and began to speak tongues. It was wonderful to hear the remainder of the story. As our chat began to come to an end, Mrs Santana came into the office and the three of us spoke until Miss Gittens agreed to sing the “To the Ceiling” and left.

    Reviewed 1L Grand staff exam and entered marks to the mark sheet. The attendance for Friday was also taken. I went to the staffroom to see if I got a place to sit and work on the “Thank You For Being My Dad” for Miss Jones. It took me the full third and fourth periods to complete the last minute of music for the melody only.

    From the start of lunchtime, I got an invitation room Miss Jones to come to the Theatre Arts room when I messaged her. I took the laptop to play the music but did not know that she had large speakers in her room to play the music. Once the jack was inserted and the music was set, I played it and we both sang from the words on the lead sheet.

    She told me that it sounded really good. At this point in the arrangement, I was not able to insert the chord for a better play. I also played “To the Ceiling” and it was amazing listening to it from the same speakers. We both enjoyed it along with some other pieces that I showed her from my Christian Worship collection. She was glad to see that there were some Christmas songs completed also.

    During lunchtime, the school was closing at 12:30. I had a PDF of the “To the Ceiling” lead sheet printed and had it sent to Miss Gittens and Miss Lusha. I kept Mrs Santana’s copy by my desk and headed home.

    I continued working on the chords for the “Thank You For Being My Dad” arrangement. By the time half-four came, heavy tiredness came upon me. I woke up at nine in the night and completed inserting the chords in three hours. I was glad that I was satisfied with the music and found it completely because there was too much difficulty and frustration in figuring out the chords. I was glad that some of the MTS workers got copies of my music theory book today before leaving school.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:47 am – 1:41 pm)

Friday, June 2, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #32) – Day #145

Date for Entry: (Friday 02 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (June 2023)

[T3, W:07 – D:33*, (Td:04)*].

**Sunday School Sign

Dear Diary,

    Two Georgians came with me in the maxi this morning. I walked in with Kiel behind them. We spoke a while getting into the compound. As we spoke about how the term was shaping up, including the meeting that Miss Roberts was in a hurry to set on Wednesday for today, we saw the red car parked up in the car parking area. We had a good laugh about that. I did tell him about the meeting that was supposed to happen today and he seemed surprised.

    Getting into the office there was a meeting between 1M Form teachers and a parent. That entire morning, I did not feel to eat anything. Daddy left hops and butter wrapped in foil for me. I also did not feel to be in the office at all. I took my bags and went to the staffroom. I spent some time trying to figure out a piece of writing I had found at midnight last night before falling asleep.

    Block K’s air-conditioning was not working so everyone was either in Block S’s staffroom or in the conference room. Mrs Santana spoke with me for a while and she did her work on the laptop. I had to go to the office for another bag I left behind. There was a very emotional hurt I endured before returning to the staffroom. There was another by the time of recess as I proceeded to read Psalm 35. Breathing slowly could not help so I played “Worthy is the Lamb” again from some weeks ago. It calmed me and I went up to meet Miss Gittens. We both walked down to the office.

    ‘Doctor’ was in the waiting area speaking with Miss Chote. She took Miss Gittens and me to the office and we waited a while. Eventually, Jeanice came, Miss Chote joined us and we had to wait for Miss Roberts. ‘Doctor’ had a lot of really nice music playing. Jeanine and Miss Briggs sat by the window away from the air-conditioning. The meeting went very well. Thanks to God for that.

    For the lunchtime period, I helped Miss Gittens with a sign for her Sunday School branch in Port-of-Spain. When the bell went, I had to go teach 1L. They were sent back to their form class because the listening exam for Form 5s was in session. The class was too noisy. My eyes began to burn after school. Miss Gittens after the shuttle when the four of us teachers limed in the staffroom, Miss Gittens and I coloured the words for the Sunday School sign. I worked on the tree but we didn’t have many colours to work with colour pencils.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:53 am – 4:28 pm)

Thursday, June 1, 2023

St. George’s College (Week #32) – Day #144

Date for Entry: (Thursday 01 June 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (June 2023)

[T3, W:07 – D:32*, (Td:03)*].

Dear Diary,

    One Georgian was in the maxi with me this morning. It was tough to wake up too. I had 1M and got them to the music room as quickly as I could. They got the Major Scales lesson as 1F last evening. Miss Roberts came in and did a review with her Form 5 students. Today was Music Paper 1 for the CXC exams. Before the class left the room Seth, ‘Vanna’ and Nathaniel did a short performance of “Out and Bad.”

    I had breakfast in the office afterwards. Once that was out of the way, I got the names of the students who needed copies of the workbook. I had them stapled and added a blue adhesive label on them. I decided to write their names in case the label fell off. Twelve students from the three classes and two others from MTS gave their names. They were delivered by lunchtime.

    In the afternoon, Miss Roberts asked me to do a class with 2L. I did not feel so good at that time. It took me a while to walk to the building and then climb up all those stairs. I thought I made it too late but the Form teacher was still inside for roll call. Miss Pope was their Form Teacher.

    When I got into the classroom, there were some really lovely factorisation questions. I got a marker out of my back and did the ones they had to do in class. I had to leave the next column as it was their homework. The topic was major Scales for Ab, Bb and A. I also showed them how to create the tonic triads out of those scales. This session took very long to end until sometime in the eighth period, Miss Chote came and asked for help from some students.

    I did not see Josean for her session during lunchtime. I went over the homework with Sanjay after the delivery of the workbook copies. I had to explain the difference between ascending and descending and the pattern of tones and semitones for him to understand what to write. The session after having 2L was very tiring. I was only able to get one chart completed for the day. I got my three sheets of Bristol board cut in halves.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 2:48 pm)