Tuesday, January 24, 2023

St. George’s College (WEEK 16) – Day #68

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 24th January 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 04th February 2023)

[T2, W:4 – D:15*].

Dear Diary,

    Going down the road in the maxi, as soon as we were about to go around the roundabout, a lot of traffic bugged the road from all directions. Everyone was looking out the windows to see what was going on. Then ambulance sirens and a police car went driving into the middle of everything. Someone was unconscious on the road and after passing the paramedics taking the injured person on a stretcher, the rest of the road was empty. Crossing the road on my own was not so scary today.

    Assembly was not long again, thank God. I came into the office to see my pink folder for 1F with the exam papers on my desk and the invigilator’s letter inside and the class attendance receipt signed. It was good to see that not many were absent from class. I had 1M this forming for the first two periods and they were the second class to get the first exam (Day 3).

    Five students’ exams were graded together as soon as I got into the office. I spent the rest of the morning I Block C grading these papers until students to do the make-up found me. We did this in the classroom between the admin and kitchen. Later that evening Miss Roberts had 2L. When the students mentioned most of the things that they would have done, I decided to review beaming with them. I took all the 1M papers and corrected them out at home after five.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:49 am – 3:05 pm)

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