Friday, January 13, 2023

Funeral Service for Rev. Anthony Rampersad

Date for Entry: (Friday 13th January 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 14th January 2023)

Dear Diary,

    Today was the service for Reverend Anthony Rampersad who past away on Tuesday evening. I was ready by eight and as soon as I was about to put on my shoes Mr. Sharma called me and said he was heading up my road to get me. Everyone playing in the band had assembled in our church compound at Aramalaya to go down.

    It seemed as if many of us including myself were going down to Susamachar Presbyterian Church for the first time. I sat in the front seat with sir and everyone else drove in the back through the back road from Pasea to the highway and down into San Fernando. The ride was a long one but it was nice to see San Fernando. It was a long while since I went there for the South Family Boxing Day lime. Many things I learned on that trip.

    Pulling up into the yard, I was glad that nervous and did not pull in me so much. I knew it was a different church we were going to. As we walked into the sanctuary, I was amazed at the architecture and craftwork. Throughout the service, the environment felt very special. I knew I was finally in a church for once. I had a lot of difficulties trying to stay awake. Even on the ride coming down, I had more fighting to do.

    The band was gathered to have a short practice of the two pieces on the Susamachar steelpan instruments before the practice. It was only our band from Aramalaya playing for the service. I learned that the instruments have been there since 1994 in the church and were crafted by Mr. Bertrand Kellman. I took a look to see what the seven bass pan looked like but only by glance because we had to leave quickly.

    We were told that some of them were slightly different and that we would need time to adjust. I had to switch the bore tenor pan on the end with a regular one but the sound was better, although the strings for the stand caused the barrel to be twisted to the left too much.

    The two songs played for the service were “The Prayer” arranged by Zara and “Oceans” that I had arranged. A second run of both songs was done when a Mr. Bally came. The ending was nailed well in the practice for “Oceans”. Sadly, “The Prayer” was not recorded in the YouTube video at the start and there was an interruption in the “Oceans” causing the complex ending to collapse on itself.

    Form 6 students from Hillview in their formal wear led the processional with Hillview’s flag, while the National Presbyterian Choir sang “Be Still My Soul” from a highly inclined seating arrangement. The choice of tempo was very nice and the execution by the vocalists. I loved the echo in the church.

    At the end of the service, I had covered back the tenor pans. It reminded me of my Form 5 days in Hillview when the school found the coverings they had for their steelpans. I took some time looking at the manuscript paper with music on it and sang solfege in fixed doh (in F major). I left my phone in the car and could not take a picture of it.

    Just before leaving San Fernando (at 3:02 pm), we stopped by a barbeque place and the sun was barbequing us too. I got home and finally sat on the couch some minutes after four. The phone was buzzing with some of the events for the day. I took the recordings made by parents and others to make a separate video.


  • Cremation Ceremony.
  • Private Performance Recording. **

Daryl Zion M. Ali

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