Thursday, January 12, 2023

St. George’s College (WEEK 14) – Day #61

Date for Entry: (Thursday 12th January 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 13th January 2023)

[T2, W:2 – D:8*].

Dear Diary,

    I had 1L this morning for the first two periods. Too many disappointments from the students came. I await to see the negative side I would not imagine until the next few weeks to come.

    I was told that Miss Roberts was absent and I had to call her to find out what she would have liked me to do. I had already missed the Form 2 class during the third and fourth periods. I took the next two periods after recess to review the scales with the same 3F class I had last week before getting into the rhythmic notation that they were supposed to learn.

    I had to return to the office to collect the piano chart I had made in the art room last term and the Grand staff chart. I started the new topic in the second period. We reviewed note symbols and time values and singing the C major scale using solfege for each of those different note symbols. The students tapped the pulse on their desks and I had to count them in.

    We did the same scale for semibreves, minims, crotchets, quavered triplets, and semiquavers. Once they had an idea of the patterns, I gave them the sentence fragment that Miss Roberts used yesterday “The absence of education” and asked the class to make it a complete sentence. The bell was heard and figuring out the rhythmic pattern for the syllables of the words became their homework.

    The evening session for me came faster than expected. The same thing occurred this morning but I worked with more students willing to work with me. We only reviewed the homework which was two short exercises. My time ended shortly after to rush up to Tunapuna to go to practice in the church. We have to perform at Reverend Anthony Rampersad’s funeral service.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 2:30 pm)

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