Wednesday, January 11, 2023

St. George’s College (WEEK 14) – Day #60

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 11th January 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Friday 13th January 2023)

[T2, W:2 – D:7*].

**Recorder Chart

Dear Diary,

    Today I had a ride in the maxi to school and was accompanied by one Georgian. Surprisingly, before we made the final turn on the road to get to the yellow stop lights, one car just crashed into a lady’s car. The maxi remained there on the road for about fifteen seconds to understand what we saw before moving onward.

    Today was also the first day of the ISCF program at St. George’s. The only thing I did not like about it was that it usually steals teaching time (for period one and some of the second one) like many other ‘special events’. I had 1M this morning for the second period alone. I was glad the class took the lesson and was able complete it in a short space of time, unlike the other two classes. I took the red books from the students to correct their questions and did so with the remaining two periods before recess.

    I was asked to supervise Miss Roberts’ Form 3 class. It was interesting that the music room was open too. They never open it for me and Miss Roberts was not in school. Instead, I decided to do a review with the students. Just by asking them to list out some of the topics I realised, it was a class that missed out on a lot of teaching. I decided to do grade one time signatures from scratch. I tried to keep the literature short and simple. The exercises that they were given were from the grade one book.

    Miss Roberts returned during the fifth period and I had her take over to do the topic that she wanted the class to learn. I saw what she meant by rhythmic notation. I knew that I had never been through that topic before in Hillview. She did C major singing the scale up and down using Western solfege and then incorporating note symbols and having the student sing the pitches by time values.

    I did not have any classes in the evening. Miss Gittens and my Bible reading were interrupted by a surprise situation that occurred until the end of school. I went back to the office and waited while working on my recorder chart some more. I knew it would not be ready for tomorrow as I wanted.

    I wanted with Miss Lieba and Miss Gittens in the hall. We had some time before the last trip was gone. I had my clothes changed to go walking and they made up their mind to start too. We had a little more than two hours of walking. Two other teachers joined us. At the end were the exercise machines. Those were fun to do. On our walk back to the compound, I wished that working clothing could have been that breezy and comfortable.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:47 am – 5:12 pm)

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