Tuesday, January 3, 2023

St. George’s College (WEEK 13) – Day #54

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 3rd January 2023)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 5th January 2023)

[T2, W:1 – D:1*].

Dear Diary,

    Today was the start of the new school term. There were four Georgian students with me in the maxi this morning. I will admit it was too difficult to wake up. ‘Mr. Nick’ and Mr. Eric’ was there by the guard booth and they logged me into their book. I attended the assembly as usual and at the end, it was a surprise to hear Dr. Sookdeo ask for the students to sing the college song. I was waiting excitedly to hear how the students would have done it.

    I wished that the steelband would have been able to play it for a better experience. She was right when she said that the students did not know the song so I hope that next term I would be able to teach them the song properly.

    I headed back to my desk and remained there for the entire day except for the fourth and fifth periods where we had a staff meeting before lunchtime. I did not teach that day because the first period was stolen from me with everyone’s home period. I could not do what I had planned to go through with the students. Instead, I went through my to-do list book and plan out things that I had to get done.

    The staff meeting was eventful and very troublesome with so many problems and issues arising. We were also told that two of the bus shuttle drivers had quit the job because of no payment and the last rip left at 4:28 that evening.

    When I got back to the office, I saw that my Subject Register was going to be printed by a teacher to use for the term. Seventeen copies were made and sent off to the class. I was very happy to see that.

    As soon as I got home, I went right ahead and uploaded the St. George’s College song video. Before I could even do that, I had to do over a recording of the Musescore file playing out the song. The experimental version had difficulty. Thankfully, this did not take me more than ten minutes to do and the uploading.

    Looking back at the video, I felt satisfied that the song came out well but I did not like having to wait and be stalled for a week. I still hope that this recording would be useful to teach the students the song.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 4:28 pm)

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