Wednesday, November 30, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 11) – Day #46

 Date for Entry: (Wednesday 30th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I came to the campus early. I did not play the national anthem but I was still there. Miss Roberts met me at my desk to collect some of her assignments that were submitted there yesterday. A lot of them were incomplete. I had been to the class a bit late because their homeroom time usually goes late into the first period.

    I did not have it in mind to do the exam today but because the students were asking about it and there were enough to do it, I continued. I decided to sit in the back of the class for this exam to look at the students that liked to talk during the exam like last Friday. This one was smoother than the English exam and did not take much time for the students to complete.

    A nice tactic I tried was to ask the students to check over five times and to “draw me something nice” in the empty parts of the exam paper. This helped the students in waiting for fewer students to complete the exam. We only had two minutes before the end of the second period and I took up the papers first. I then took up their Grade 1 booklets.

    I took the full hour and ten minutes of periods three and four to correct all the exam sheets and insert the total points into my ‘temporary mark sheet’. Only at lunchtime, I corrected the students’ Grade 1 books. Many of them did not do their homework and I had a lot of writing to do on square sheets of paper. Some time into the seventh period, I returned the books to their class.

    Miss Roberts had called me and asked to supervise seven students doing an exam they missed. We started late into the seventh period. I waited until the 2:30 bell for school to dismiss. It was only after school I correct the seven exam papers while waiting for the bus shuttle to come. There was enough time to do them and I left them back at school.

    Today the timesheet was due. I had handed it in somewhere after recess to Isekel. I just hope that they make copies of them. We still had the staff meeting at periods four and five that went twenty minutes into lunchtime. I had my small copybook taking notes from the safety officer and his notes about the safety drill that should be coming any time before school closes.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:02 am – 3:25 pm)

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