Saturday, November 19, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 9) – Day #39

 Date for Entry: (Friday 18th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 19th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I woke at 4:30 again and I got ready. I could make it to the UTT site at 7:07. I left my pencil case at home and did not feel comfy for the whole day. It was early and I was in the outer part of the office alone I saw Miss Gittens coming into the office to sign her attendance after I did. I could smell the religious Hindi incense that Doctor would light when she is in her office. I only saw her some minutes going to assembly when Miss Roberts called me on her way down to the car.

    Miss Roberts asked me if I was interested in going to the SanFest competitions with the students on Tuesday. I told her later that day that I would prefer to stay back in school because of my class in the evening and that “I could also go and see about some of her classes which she is out on that adventure.”

    The assembly went by sometime this morning. Dr Sookdeo told me that I was welcome to join them in the hall. I did just that because I enjoyed being out there listening to the things that the students had to say. The national anthem was played by a girl from one of my Form One classes on a tenor pan. They ended up keeping the instrument in the hall. It was better for carrying it back and forth.

    The assembly ended up finishing an entire ten minutes into the first period. I was late but I knew that the lesson to teach would have been very short. I had Form One Leacock and the class was completed with twenty minutes to complete the second period. I reviewed the pitches on the treble staff and then introduced the Bass clef. The discussion was on the Grand staff and Middle C. The grand staff chart was used. The same was done in the evening class. Both classes were nightmares.

    A while before lunchtime I was in the library typing out a teacher’s class log. I did not have my flash drives, so I had to do something new from scratch. Miss Phillips gave me one that Miss Patel made and I transformed it into a longer one that caters for twenty classes in a term. I hope that Miss Phillips appreciates this and makes it easier for her to do her class logs. I did not finish this form until I got home. Suddenly I began to feel too sleepy. I went back to my desk in the administrative office and fell asleep for the rest of periods four and five.

    I awoke nine minutes into lunchtime. I got up and went to the visual arts room with the Form One book that I made to go visit Miss Gittens. We had a while to wait because a cleaner came to see about the room. Miss Gittens gave me a pillowcase to draw designs on; sometime before I left, she helped me put a whole liquid within the shapes I drew. She said that the liquid helps to keep the wet fabric paint. There was already some plastic placed on the inside of the pillow casing.

    I had forgotten to take it home with me to work on it. I even stood out in the wet rain to get a taxi. I did not use the bus shuttle because daddy and I had to go to the bank, Charan’s, the barber, and Payless before all of them closed for the evening. The bank and Charan’s were a compromise. We got the shoes and went home.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:07 am – 2:41 pm)

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