Thursday, November 17, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 9) – Day #38

Date for Entry: (Thursday 17 November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 19th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I left my orange pocket diary at home. I had to wait until I got it to safeguard my time arriving at UTT and the time that I left. There was a crazy staff meeting that went on. I do not think it was productive. It was abruptly concluded and teachers were still left on the spot.

    I sometimes find that teachers should agree on a day of the week and pick a topic for that meeting to try and find a strategy or some kind of workable solution to the issues around. A fourth and fifth period is not enough time for some of those teachers to speak. It might be way too long for some of the teachers who may have given up. There was an argument in response to something by the time that Dr Sookdeo left and many others. We spoke about the submission of reports online versus printed reports, the new acting Vice Principal, the VAPA concert and other things.

    During lunchtime in the visual arts room, Miss Gittens had completed the Bristol board piano project. She had one and I had my one for next term with the Form One students. We had both worked on her music theory homework by the time and spoke about the meeting during the fourth and fifth periods. I had to ask her about submitting the marks and entering marks on the temporary marks sheet I had made.

    During lunchtime, I could not go out to meet dad in Curepe again because of the heavy rain. Even the library was beginning to fill up with water because of the leaks in the roof. I called daddy around twelve and he told me that I should just write him a letter to collect the letter from the office in Tunapuna. We also celebrated the secretary’s birthday and some of them were a bit too cold for ice cream though I had two cups and enjoyed them.

    Before the day was over, Miss Roberts had to go back to George’s to get some more steelpan instruments. She asked me to correct her Form 2M worksheets and I finished the last set at my table in the gallery at night. I had fun doing them but it was too depressing because the students could not complete them and did not know the work. She told me that those were the form two students that did not have music with Miss Paul for all of their time in Form One. I used the bus shuttle again in the evening to go down to George’s with Kiel and Isekel.




Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:46 am – 3:28 pm)

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