Saturday, November 5, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 7) – Day #29

Date for Entry: (Friday 4th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 5th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    I had an early travel and came down to the UTT campus with two students. A lady crossed the road with us. I find that road to be scarier than in Georges. I don’t even mind the long walk from the school to the bus route.

    More of the blood emergency meetings came to an end. The waiting area was cramped and so I went to the classroom next door to continue. I eventually had to pack up and leave the area because it was no longer free. Two ladies were already there to take it.

    I put away the laptop because it did not have plugs for me. I was still glad that the in-class activities for my four lesson plans were completed and just to type up. For a campus so wide it always feels like there is never a place for Daryl. There is nowhere to go and just like Miss Ramsaran and me, we never have a quiet place to do our individual work.

    I had a double period with Form 1 Leacock and they were noisier. I went to the side of their class but no students. They were not in the music room when I had gone to check. They were sent to a new classroom and they told me that their air-conditioning was not working. I had the dots lesson done for the first time. Thankfully it was a success. However, the lesson finished within twenty-five minutes. Wouldn’t forget helping out Miss Hope today too.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:33 am – 2:36 pm)

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