Thursday, November 3, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 7) – Day #28

 Date for Entry: (Thursday 3rd November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 5th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    This morning as I sat down in the maxi, I saw Miss Panchu enter. She greeted me walking in the doorway. We had a good chat walking into the UTT compound. I will always remember the good joke she told me about playing music.

    We had a very quick class because the home period was taken a long way into the first period. Some of the students were invited to the board to answer the note values exercise. Seems like they really enjoyed it. My time was up and then the other OJT girl was waiting for her literature lesson with the same class.

    I came back to the office and saw more parents sitting in the waiting area with their children. The children and deans were very busy all morning. I could not work there so I joined Miss Ramsaran in the other empty classroom to do our work away from the noisy school.

    Towards the end of the tiring day, I was able to do some more work on lessons for term three. I was able to plan the lessons for Dots, Ties, Quavers and Semiquavers. I ended up leaving the in-class activities for each of the four lessons for tomorrow.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:21 am – 2:40 pm)

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