Tuesday, November 29, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 11) – Day #45

 Date for Entry: (Tuesday 29th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Yesterday was no school because of the flooding and the closure of schools. I was able to complete the transcription of the rap song “Nah Change Up” for Miss Harris. It was a very challenging piece to do because of the rap and also because of the last-minute request. I still did not trust it to the moment when she asked me and the less rush in the corridor today. She wanted me to write in the letter as if it was too much to ask Miss Roberts.

    This morning’s transportation was another story because there were only two maxis there and no taxis. Both of the maxis were stopping at the roundabout and going down onto the highway. I decided to take the maxi and walk in because it seemed to be the only way to get to school. I had a long way to go and the sun was very hot for the morning. All day the sun was hotter than usual.  

    The attendance for the Form 1 Leacock was too little for the exam today. I did not want to do it with a short number. Instead, I had the students open their Grade 1 book and I questioned them on topics they had homework on. A lot of the questions were others from outside of the book. I also had a lot of students participating in writing answers on the board. Some of them love to draw the staff.

    Ten out of seventeen students submitted books and they were returned during lunchtime. Their class was empty somehow when I got there. The same review was done with Form 1 Farrell but I had forgotten to take up their workbooks. I did not even feel ill towards the end of lunch I only went to 1 Farrell during the last ten minutes of the seventh period.

    There were no exams needed for Miss Roberts’ Form 3 class because of the small number of participants. They were told that it would be held tomorrow at 12:20 during lunchtime. I appreciated the assembly this morning when I got to ask Miss Chote to play the national anthem on the tenor pan. I made one short mistake in the playing after playing it in Hillview. I had thirty copies of my attendance receipt forms in legal sheets. I had cut the sheets in halves. Thirty of them were for me and the other thirty I had put in the born cabinet for other teachers to use.

    On my way home, the highway had too much traffic as if some major accident took place. The bus driver took the main road up and tried to come out by WASA in Mount Hope but had to turn back. He ended up taking the back roads and allowed some of us to exit opposite Yang’s Wuk. I had to cross the bus route and the main road. I walked up to the back road in line with Vashti and walked down to McLeod Street. It was only at 4:45 that daddy met me at the junction.


  • “Nah Change Up” – Score. **
  • “Nah Change Up” – YouTube Recording.

Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:20 am – 2:55 pm)

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