Monday, November 21, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 10) – Day #40

 Date for Entry: (Monday 21st November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    The morning sky was dark as night. I did not get to the UTT site until 7:15 while sheltering on the main road and having my pants lightly went from cars dashing water on me and the others. I did not make a run for it with the umbrella as many did. I knew the strength of the rain was not good to personally make it.

    I met Miss Phillips again this morning. I showed her the teacher’s log that I made. Her only issue was that she preferred the session boxes to be left to right instead of a vertical setting. She still took it. I made the change later that night to see what she might say the next day.

    I had my only class for the first two periods of the day. Unfortunately, the form teacher took up my entire first period. They were talking about food, so I went back to the office, had breakfast, and returned to the class door with my tray of books in my hand. I opened the door for the teacher to know I was there.

    I went in and took out my marker to write out everything. Then I went to get the grand staff chart for the form ones. I got a student to take a picture for their class group. The same was done for the grand staff chart after the discussion. I went back to the office and wrote out some questions I wanted to do as a review with the class for tomorrow. It would be their last before the exam next week Monday and Tuesday.

    As soon as lunchtime came, I was on my way up to the visual arts room. Miss Gittens and I spoke for some time as I applied the white fabric paint that she gave me. I was able to complete that aspect of the ‘primer’ work. I was also allowed to put some white acrylic paint onto the ‘primer’ layer. I have the second half of the pillow casing to cover before adding the colour.

    I supervised Miss Roberts’ Form 2L class exam during the last two periods. The exam was supposed to last during the first period and about fifteen minutes before the last one. I only gave them all of the seventh period and at the start of the eighth period, I collected the papers.

    I had to give them their next assignment that was due on Monday. I wrote out the requirements but sadly their whiteboard destroyed my markers in the process. I told them in short what they had to do and, who and where to submit the assignment. They had fifteen minutes before school would close. I took the papers to the office and began correcting them for Miss Roberts. I had six more to do when I got home. I just have to do her attendance for the class in her subject register.

    I took the last bus shuttle with Isekel today to go back down to George’s. We had a good laugh about almost falling asleep on the way to school when the ride was about to end. Somehow the ride down to George’s get the three of us tired on the bus. I’m just glad that the rain did not wet us down again like in the morning. Nice cool weather to walk in.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:15 am – 3:04 pm)

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