Tuesday, November 22, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 10) – Day #41

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 22nd November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today Miss Roberts did not come to school because she had to attend the SanFest competition with the students and participating students. There was no assembly in the hall because of the flooding down by the cafeteria side of the campus. I waited a while and went over to get the security to open the music room. Walking back to the office the rain came down on me and I had to run. It was amazing how I got there to school at the same time as yesterday. The road was very clear as if it was before six in the morning.

    The Form Five Music students were already in the music room by the time I got there with my books. I had a photocopy of the piece “Air” and a compilation book with “Invention Number Two.” Both students were using the tenor pan. The student doing “Air” did not have much work to do except for working on her timing and being able to get accustomed to the tempo (sixty crotchet beats per minute).

    The next piece was only six spots more in tempo. This second student needed a bit more assistance when I saw that some pitches were not correct. She had only one more bar to complete section B of the piece. The only homework I gave them was downloading a metronome app on their phones and setting it to the correct meter and tempo. That was the end of the class. I found that it went by too quickly.

    I later spent more time in Miss Gittens’ art room working on colouring the pillow casing design. Only at the end of lunch, I had the students lock up the music room and I went over to get my tray with books for class with Form 1L.

    This particular class was noisy but it was easier when I had everyone writing out the review answers on the whiteboard. All seven topics were reviewed and there was one student to snapshot the summary notes for their class group. I took the shuttle back to Curepe from George’s that evening.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:15 am – 2:48 pm)

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