Friday, November 11, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 8) – Day #34

Date for Entry: (Friday 11th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 16th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Miss Robert was not in a happy mood today. She ended up having to go home ill early. She gave me her copies that were misplaced in the administration office and asked me to give them to her Form Two Farrell class. While she waited in the admin office but at the counter in frustration, I handed her the printout of the test and as soon as she left I had it sent to print.

    It was only until the time of the class that they were not in class. All the students were gone and they were not in the music room. I learned that there was a safety and health for Form one to three. I kept the copies in my desk drawer for her until Monday.

    However, earlier I was asked by Miss Phillips to supervise her Social Studies class. She handed me some copies of two textbook pages. I learned that she was a Social Studies teacher at the time. Their reading topic was the “Governing of Tobago.”

    The Form Twos had questions one to five to do in class and question seven as homework. I wrote out the information on the whiteboard and allowed the students to begin working. It took a very long time for that class to be over. One particular student chose to misbehave. In two other episodes he had troubled other students and I notified the Form Teacher in the office after lunchtime.

    As lunchtime began, I had my materials on the desk and the laptop turned on when Dr Sookdeo said that she finally had some time to see all the works that I had done. She pulled one of the waiting area’s chairs and had a seat and I spoke to her about the teacher’s individual subject register. All of the previous versions were shown to her before the current one.

    It was strange the laptop did not want to turn on but it did eventually. I showed her the bus shuttle attendance sheets and event registration forms. Soon Miss Phillip came walking into the office and I gave her the attendance form that I had the students sign for her. I shared with them the newer version of the attendance form sometime after explaining and then the temporary mark sheet.

    I did not have classes in the evening. I thought that it would have had a double in the seventh and eighth periods. I was taking off the scotch tape from the receipts for the parang projects and putting them into their class files. Lunchtime did not bring many students to submit so I had to extend the deadline to Monday instead. From Tuesday the penalties will commence until Friday.

    I got the bus shuttle with two other OJT guys and we walked up the road from George’s. All three of us fell asleep on the ride down to school. I had no idea how I was gonna start marking the papers but I was very excited to do it.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:48 am – 3:31 pm)

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