Tuesday, November 8, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 8) – Day #31

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 8th November 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Wednesday 16th November 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today heavy rain poured down and I had to wait and wait in the living room. I was glad that I did not reach too late. On this day I came to school with my Grand Staff chart that I had made special for my Form Ones. I knew that the lesson would not be done until next week or the following week. I just wanted my art and charts table back home to get packed back. Miss Panchu and Santana really loved it. I got to share it with Miss Gittens after in the evening after school.

    I was told by Dr Sookdeo that they had fixed the air-conditioning in the music rooms for us. I went over and it was a bit hot but I hoped the coolness would build up. The signs were also put and stuck to the walls and doors but Miss Roberts said that she preferred them to be bigger. I still did not get to chat with Dr Sookdeo about the several pieces of work that I did.

    During the last few minutes of the day, I took close to eight minutes or less and came up with another exam. I found that the multiple choice and comprehension I made some days ago were too harsh and difficult for the students. Miss Roberts refused to check it over in the evening. I know there is evening schooling for her but I left that there and hoped to see what she might say tomorrow. I was shown by Miss



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:55 am – 3:43 pm)

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