Thursday, December 1, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 11) – Day #47

Date for Entry: (Thursday 1st December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    At my entrance to the gate, it was nice to see one of the security that greeted me but their supervisor wanted me to be rough. I just let her yell to finish it out. I could now understand how the parent earlier this week felt when he complained about the security yelling at him and it had to be her. The only issue in her comments was that some of us were taking the bus and not reporting. I felt THAT she decided to pick on me because I was the only OJT that did not sign out that day on the bus.

    It was Day 5 in school today. I spent the whole morning and lunchtime in the art room. I saw that Miss Gittens had gotten a piece of red fabric and she drew the outline of a shield to her church’s logo on it. A lot of o time was spent on making the white in the shield thick and full. Someone else and Miss worked on the white and yellow for the flame.

    Not many of the students wanted to help. Before lunchtime ended, I took a white colour pencil and draw out the words and was only able to colour the word “army” in white paint. I saw that the students drawing below did not look at the mathematical aspect. We had to leave out a gold line in the shield. The vile with oil I saw also needed doing over because of the shape and the mathematical positioning.

    In the evening, I had the in-class written exam with Form 1L. They were quiet during the exam. I could not believe the children when they said they were not ready after all of the preparation.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:18 am – 3:33 pm)

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