Friday, December 2, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 11) – Day #48

Date for Entry: (Friday 2nd December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

Dear Diary,

    Today I was in the art room working hard on the banner for Miss Gittens’ walk tomorrow. I showed her the words that I did and as I got to the table to work on it, I saw that someone had thickened up the word “army” that I did and someone else tried the first layer of white on the word “the”. By the time lunchtime was completed, all the words were covered in white. We had some students working on their neatness of them.

    They had a talent show during lunchtime and it took some of the students a while to get back to class. I stayed with them for some time to do the exam. I also took up the papers twenty minutes earlier before school started. I could tell that they did not study their work. I went back to the art room to work as much as I could to get the oil to vie drawn over and base it in white. There were two intersecting swords to the top right that were not even one. I felt like I might have spoiled them.




** Saturday 3rd December 2022 **

    The Saturday came and it was only me going down to Barataria to meet Miss Gittens. Everyone else had cancelled last minute. Daddy got a car to carry me to meet her. It took a very long time for the car to also get us. I had the opportunity to read a sermon that she wrote and another essay. I knew that by the time I worked on it the driver would come and so it occurred.

    The walk had already finished by the time we got to Independence Square. We spent seven hours on our feet. The rain came down on us three times but did not stop anything. I was given a reading and something else that a lady predicted. My one out of many was a bit special. She opened up the entire gathering like God had opened up the ocean for the Israelites to cross the sea and she said, “Come… Slowly!” It was very scary for me. I met Daddy and Andrew in Curepe that night.



Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:49 am – 3:29 pm)

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