Wednesday, December 7, 2022

St. George’s College (WEEK 12) – Day #51

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 7th December 2022)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 10th December 2022)

*Sample picture of excel

Dear Diary,

    Today I met up with Miss Gittens a bit later than we were intending to meet. She was in a meeting with a parent and a student. We met in the office to go to the art room to start marking assignments and entering them onto her subject register. I got my laptop opened with the excel document I had made for her to enter the information from her subject registers.

    Had no idea that the day went by so quickly. By the time I was about to ask Crystal if it was lunchtime, she told me that school would have been over soon. I looked down at the cock in the laptop and I had only twenty minutes again to meet 2:30 pm that afternoon. I had another hard situation with Miss Rough-Tops’ at the guards’ building this morning. It spoiled my entire day and night. Miss Gittens, Miss Libea and I got a ride from Miss Riva that evening. We were all so very tired on our way out of school.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:36 am – 5:53 pm)

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