Tuesday, April 30, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #67) – Day #304

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 30 April 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:04 – WD:16, (Td:4)*].

Dear Diary,

    I came to Valsayn with Kayla Wright next to me in the front of the back. She sat by the door with me in the middle. We walked in and I took my bags to Block K after signing in. The first 20 minutes went by. “Jess” was waiting outside of 2L and Maria was coming out from attendance. She said that Miss Gittens would be coming in later today. The class was given their college song worksheet.

    In the second period, they were taken to the music room to work on the song on the steel pan instruments. I went to get my phone from my bag to get the rest of the timesheet completed in the office. I decided to do over the assumption form. Miss Mohammed said that she liked how I didn't stick compared to the others.

    I went back to the staff room to collect the bags and then to the art room. Miss Gittens was still not there. It took me a while to get a place to work on the teacher's desk and began working at 12:56 p.m. When I got to the staff room to chill out for class, “Choo Choo” was there alone. We spoke for a little bit until the other teachers came back for his staff meeting. We both learnt about it together. I did not even know the staff meeting was going on.

    The meeting was over at 1:30 p.m. and then Crystal called me to go over the same timesheet. She said that my signature was too big for the principal to sign. Only late into the beginning at the office desk, Kiel gave me a legal size sheet. I continued to fill out the form on the letter size that I was given earlier. I had to go back to the staff room to continue my journal entry. I was not sure if “Jess” went to class.

    It was already minutes past 1:15 p.m. Dr. Blandin was looking for someone to supervise 3M and Crystal took it. She first asked me and I said, oh go on, with a big loud sigh. She laughed and asked me if I didn't like them. I remember the principal eating a box lunch and she said that she thought that I had signed for her. She laughed. There was a special code that was shared with me today. I hope one day I will find out the meaning too.

    I had wondered if Miss had gotten through with her SBA submissions. It was only at the end of school that Maria waited to help Miss Gittins with the marks. I helped Susan staple her Form One Spanish exam papers first and then went back to the bench outside the art room where Miss Gittins and Maria were sitting. This took me forever to wait. We had a longer way to get off the compound.

    The office would have been locked so I kept my heavy laptop bag at home and then brought it back the next day. I had the children's library card finished and got 2M, 3F and 3L uploaded. Some mistakes were there and half marks made the mathematics problematic in the previous mark book. Only one and a half rounds of games until it was no longer possible to stay awake were done. Hopefully, the APC Library email will come out tomorrow.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:01 am – 6:13 pm)

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