Friday, April 19, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #65) – Day #297

Date for Entry: (Friday 19 April 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:02 – WD:09, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning was Andrew's clinic appointment. It took a long while before I could have gotten down to school. As soon as I signed, I went down to block K.

    As I was about to get down to the staff room, “Jess” called me out. She was taking 1F back to their classroom. It sounded as if it was already the third period. I didn't eat my pie until after 12:30 PM because Dr. Blandin's appointment took up time and doing work for Miss Kittens was after recess. I saw the 1F children planning out their performances and then in the second period they worked on the song.

    I left them at 10:30 AM, 10 minutes before recess to head back to Miss Gittens. She spoke with me about the scheme of work. We had a hard time trying to turn on the laptop password. Miss Ali and I laughed in the office when she got it to work. I went back and showed her the schemes of work that I had put together for her some terms ago. They were sent a print again. During the fourth period, she went to her MMT meeting.

    My meeting to help Dr Blandin insert the latest on absences into the school Excel sheet was then resumed. We made some important discoveries while I had the opportunity to proofread the work. Strangely, there were frozen fields in the document that could not have been moved. We had some good laughs, Dr. Blandin and I. Well, I did all of them. She was tired at the end of the process. We had a joke about “Jess” title and when we added “Jess”, I told her. Now you can add in your MS without the R. She said, “It looks like you came with your jokes today, Mr Ali.”

    Dr. Blandin told me before I left the office that she would work on the figures for March 2024 and she might try to have it ready for Monday. We were also able to send me a blank copy of the document to recreate my attendance form. I hoped that my idea would make it easier for her to do the work. I also hoped that my idea would be easily materialized. I got my OJT timesheet printed after this in the fifth period. The rain was rushing down and Rhea was waiting for a church's delivery man. A boy's birthday was going on in her form class.

    In the art room, I got to the last two of eight envelopes reinforced. While leaving, Miss was making her way back. She said that the MMT meeting was conducted with Dr. Lubian-Batiste, who had conducted the professional development day in the last week of last June. It was important to us because the Principal wasn't there and Dr. Allison was with me. We needed to know who was the one heading that meeting.

    Lunch finished too quickly because I got back in the second half of lunchtime in the staff room. Jess and I had a class with 1L. The number looked small. The Muslim children were given a poem to work out. Only at the second end of the eighth period, the song with the track was worked on with the students.

    Once finished packing, I met “Jess” and Miss chatting outside Mr. Bain's woodwork room. I told her that I had some paperwork to go and do. It took me too long to do. I had to do over the timesheet and felt better doing it at home. The resumption of duty form was completed in blue. My blacking pen was done. Sorrowfully, Miss Mohammad was out of black pens. She had none at all. “Maria” the rest of us had a slightly early leave this afternoon.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:53 am – 5:03 pm)

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