Thursday, April 25, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #66) – Day #301

Date for Entry: (Thursday 25 April 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:13, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    I woke up late this morning but got on the compound as soon as the bell for assembly rang. People were already waiting in the lobby area, so Ms. Chote was holding on in the office. I went to Block K and had breakfast. I needed my pencil case. Somehow I left my pencil case in the art room yesterday afternoon. I could not do any work over the computer last night. Ms. met me in the corridor after roll call and we walked over there passing Ms. Daniels with a big joke.

    Not many of the Form 5 students were there today. I heard that French Orals was going on this morning. I went back to get my stuff for class. The students were in the hall. There was shocking news that Ms. will not be coming tomorrow to go somewhere with Ms. Roberts. I wondered what could happen if I were to stay home too. Spoke with Jess after and she was disappointed as usual with the music score that I could not send her.

    I left on the car park side of the hall and saw “Kirish”, “Blush”, “Teddy” and “Kelvin” sitting by a bench. I asked them about the Kman man song at recess time. I told them to come with me to the office and I would play the song for them. They waited outside the office while I wrestled to get the bag with the laptop and turn it on.

    The laptop took forever to turn on and I was so disappointed it took them 4 minutes of waiting. We sat around the bench facing the entrance gate and I played the full song for them. They seemed very impressed looking through the score by the time. It would have been nice to give them a copy of the score but didn't want them to ill use it for something else. It was also an educational place so I could not have given it to them.

    As recess came to an end, I was about to go back to the staff room. However, I remembered Ms Gittens wanted to get some subject registers so I got them printed from Ezekiel and then took them to the art room until the end of lunchtime. She had students of 1M in the art room and they were doing the introduction to colors. I sat with “Reba” and “Shem” at the teacher's table and I wrote in names to the subject register that I got transferred to the ones I got printed for Ms. Gittens. She did the rest of them and I stapled them into the year groups.

    Jess and I had 2F today for the last two periods. Towards the end, Jess was asking about the PDF for the Georgian song. This was not something to give since the school was ungrateful. She did not tell me anything about what she would have liked to have done in 1L tomorrow. I went up to Curepe after giving up waiting for Brother Mark to come and pick up Ms Gittens.

    Daddy and I went to Isa but he did not have any ivory-laid covers so I will have to email the document again tomorrow and send those covers from home. Thankfully I had some extras. That night I got an old sheet of Bristol board and cut them in 3 inches by 5 inches. They were alright. I will have to clean the blades of the guillotine to prevent any stains on the sheets when they are cut.

    I was also able to finish the CV for Presentation College and email it to the school. The night ended so quickly and Auntie spoke with me some minutes to 11 before she eventually went to sleep. It was nice getting to share with her the school cards and the subject cards that I tried to create using the guillotine.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:55 am – 3:47 pm)

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