Tuesday, April 9, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #64) – Day #290

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 09 April 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:01 – WD:02, (Td:2)*].

Dear Diary,

    There was a very difficult job to wake up this morning. I slept until 6.30 am before getting out of bed and had to catch myself. As I got out of the maxi, I noticed that the man on my right was Dion. We walked in to see Miss Santana and “Miss Celia” walking back to their cars. Miss Mustapha had a nice red outfit. It seemed like that was everyone’s outfit for today, the colour red. I signed in and then went down to Block K. Someone took the soap bottle on the second day of school and then the toilet area was leaking out into the hallway.

    The bell went by and I was going to finish breakfast and find “Jess”. She was already in 2M. She did the same chat for the first period and left me to play hangman with 2M. I did not like this idea at all but went with it. The choice for me would be to review accidentals with tones and semitones.

    Thankfully, the second period finished faster. 1L ended up going down to the music room and I went to see “Jess” in the art room. It was very nice to see “O'Malley” in the corridor. I went back to the art room from Block K to get the performance slips that I had for them since term one. “Jess” came with me to Block K and Mr. Samlal told us that his nose was bleeding. This was very shocking to me. It was strange to find out that he had hit his nose into Twinkler's head. Very unbelievable.

    The new student sat in front next to Amir. The rest of the class was the same chat that was for the previous classes. I sat with Ms. Cummingham and wrote in the journal entry for this morning. I hope Mr. Samlal's nose gets better. He didn't seem alright afterwards. I loved being in the staff room. The staff meeting was about to begin after recess in the library.

    The principal started with a set induction with a question, What is 1 plus 1? She said that it was the same within a team and said that sometimes we do things deliberately. Someone says things to you and you must take the positive answer with respect. People can be going through things at different times coming to school. There was a speech from Zariel on the yearbook that they wanted to do. Today's meeting had a review of many different aspects of the last meeting. As well as a lot of dates and new plans for the term. I learnt about parliamentary privilege as part of the meeting. We learnt that in parliamentary privilege if your name is mentioned in the logbook, you are entitled to see and copy that note which was entered. The rest of the information can be found in my book three of the school's days log.

    What was very surprising after the meeting, I was down to my final four lines of writing in that particular book. I had a lot of headaches and eye pain after that long meeting. Many teachers were making noise again after the end. At this point, it was very surprising to come to the end of my second notebook for journal entries. I felt to leave the library and enter back to Block K’s staff room. The air conditioning was wonderful. They were trying to organise their breakfast for Tuesday.

    I was not feeling able to do anything so I forced myself to work on the first online lesson PowerPoin for Stephen. It is taking too forever to finish. I hope that the other sessions won't take this much time. The office was empty when I went to rest my bag to go to the washroom and then head back down to Blotky. Everyone was still trying to get their marks submitted and late-term absences for their form classes uploaded. We had a longer wait. I had to battle with some sleep.

    The Happiness Grocery near the flyover parking was blocked so we ended up going to the one above in Curepe. I came out with Miss and walked her to the doorway of the supermarket and then walked up to the bus route to meet Daddy. He was surprised when he saw me walk near him. I felt for Chinese that evening. My lunch handy was also hot so I took half a bottle of Coca-Cola. As soon as I had the computer turned on I took a call from Daddy that T&TEC was coming. And I sat and waited for them to come. They had a lot of steps before coming.

    When they came I told them that I would call Daddy and he spoke with the three men. I gave my phone to one of the gentlemen to hold while they spoke with Daddy. I also had to walk back up the steps and get the meter numbers. Thankfully we had the number printed on a receipt in case when they came. A wire was completely burned out. And they said that it could not be put in the meter until the box line was fixed. Auntie Vangie came for me while I began to do my piano composing in a complete blackout. She took me to the other side of the country that night. And I spent the rest of the day thereafter yesterday. It would be Eid in the morning.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(: am – : pm)

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