Wednesday, April 17, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #65) – Day #295

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 17 April 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:02 – WD:07, (Td:1)*].

Dear Diary,

    I had an early waking at 4 o'clock. Thankfully there was an early arrival to school. After signing, Dr. Blandin called me in and she asked me if I had forgotten her yesterday. I told her that I didn't know I would be sick yesterday.

    I had a nice chat with “Choo-Choo” and Mr. Marlon while eating a cheese pie before going back to Dr. Landon in the Vice-Principal's office. She showed me an Excel sheet that had the types of leaves and absences along with times late and minutes late. There were two copies of their form printed. This form is what I had printed for the Vice-Principal's use when Ms. Trote was there.

    I saw that Dr. Blandin used one of the forms for the sick leave and occasional leave and the second copy would have been for the minutes and times late. Plans came to my mind for a new Excel file to be created. This would simplify the work by adding in formulae to calculate the sick leave, all the occasional leave, all the unauthorized leave, unauthorized leave, times late and all the minutes late.

    Ms Mustapha came with Mr Ramdath to the office to give CAPE moderation dates and also to prepare a plan for a retirement function for Mrs Sawh. There was a song they were trying to remember for the death of Paul Walker that she had liked. “Ms Celia” was right behind me after doing the rest of the supervision.

    Right at 9.30, I had to leave for class with 1F. “Jess” was already there reviewing the school song words. It was wonderful to hear the children sing out the entire song with the YouTube recording. I sat with Brad and we had some laughs of a few stops in between. Writing out my journal entries from Monday until today was not so easy. A lot of writing was required.

    By the end of recess, I went off to see Dr. Allison again in the office. She was somehow waiting for me to meet her there to continue the leaves and absences. It was in the middle of the fifth period. We got typing in the last bits of unchecking. I got my desk cleaned out. I did not take my stuff over to Block A again. Ms. Gittens had left and after lunch, Maria told me that Susan had left, so she wanted to leave by 3:30 p.m. I met Jess by 1F. “Mr. Marlon” spoke with me about Rosita. She didn't sound to be so nice after the first week of school.

    We had 2F this evening and they were unsettled as usual to get them to learn the words. A lot of struggle occurred throughout the exercise. We met back in Block C and there was a conversation about the same 2F class. “Maria” took Gabriella to the car and we left early in the evening. I liked the early morning chat with Kavita, “ChooChoo” and “Marlon” today. Kavita learned that I lived in Tunapuna when we spoke about Sunday school performance on Sunday with “Welcome Holy Spirit.”

    I went home and while waiting for class with “Yash”, I went to fix the church's library catalogue. It was that evening after watching some YouTube videos, I learned how to freeze a row which was the heading and insert a filter to make every other row coloured. I ended up changing the entire arrangement of text and added titles or card numbers, sections of the file form, and borrowing cards in case we use them.

    The class was swiftly started at 7:11 pm. A review of key signatures in brief was done along with topics covered. The topic for tonight was tonic triads. He had questions about inversions and got confused. I just gave him the idea of repositioning and gave him the homework. It was in the grade 2 book, pages 10 to 11.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:45 am – 3:56 pm)

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