Tuesday, April 23, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #66) – Day #299

Date for Entry: (Tuesday 23 April 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:11, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning Tyrell was waiting by Lockhart Street. His maxi was behind me. There was one Georgian boy and the other from Form 1, “Mr. Bethelmy”, who walked so quickly. I got signed in and sat by the school computer. The Principal walked in and there was a three-sentence conversation. The computer was taking forever like the internet so I didn't bother to try to send my email again. I would rather wait until I reach home to send the resume to Presentation College.

    I went to Block K to get my spicy pie eaten and then headed over to the art room. Miss met me in the corridor. It was nice to see everyone coming in early. We had a good time. Before I headed back to the art room, I had to find the markers on a pencil. The green labels for the envelopes were done in the first two periods.

    At 9:20 a.m., I went back to make copies for the students and head to class. “Jess” was not there, so I made the children go into their groups to figure out what they were going to do for their presentation. They were very wild and hard to control. Miss Patel had to come in and quiet them. Thankfully, the period was short. I packed up and left for the staff room.

    I got a message from “Jess” to bring the evening class down to the music room to pan. The entire class was fully set in her order, but half left the first two bars in verse one of the George’s Anthem. The same was done for the second half of the class. Mr. Pierre was still in 2M, so I went to the staff room and left a message for “Ash”.

    Only by returning to the building after reinforcing the second batch of eight envelopes, did I meet “Ash” and went through the pages of the homework which was supposed to be brought in. None of it was done, sadly. I left question marks and went on my way.

    Only at 1:15 pm after lunch, I got up to meet with Dr. Allison to work on lates and absences. I ended up trying to find her but went to write my day's account. She brought Miss Harris into the room with her, and they began to tell me that she still hadn't got time to finalize everything. I went back to block K and worked on the entry among nicer companies.

    I forgot to mention that at the end of recess, I shared a Nature Valley miniature-pack snack with the teachers. They seemed to enjoy it. Mrs Ramsingh opened a pack of rough tots. She shared with me twice “Choo Choo”, Miss Soodeen, and Miss Sargram. We ended up speaking about Chips Ahoy, Oreo, Day and Nibbles, and how they lost their tot and just sugar-filled in them. School ended faster. I left second to last. Dr. Jogi left before me, and I reminded him about the tutor anthem for the election meeting tomorrow.

    I went to the art room with my bags and stayed there. Miss came in a while when I almost finished the envelope reinforcements. I told her we could multitask by calling grades for pieces with her. I labelled all the envelopes in blue since Janice did not come at all to do them. We left with “Maria”, but the student Percy had to travel because we didn't have more space.

    I remembered “Miss Berkeley” admiring the handwriting that I did on the envelopes. There was one she liked a lot and said she wanted that particular one for her art pieces. That particular envelope had a fancy letter A. I took Miss Kitten's pencil and wrote “Miss Berkeley” on the top right-hand corner and showed the girl which one was whose.

    I went home to enjoy some nice crispy skin pork. The rest of the evening was emotional in the gallery, remembering my one week with Miss Paul in school. I didn't like the message that “Jess” had sent me at all. I didn't want to do much Bible study again.

    I ended up working on the introduction and the first two verses for “The Shape of My Heart.” I had some cheese balls and watched a show called “Training Day.” Somehow that show was very twisted and concerning. I did not watch the end of the show, but hopefully someday if it shows back on TV I'll take another look.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(7:50 am – 4:42 pm)

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