Wednesday, April 24, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #66) – Day #300

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 24 April 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:12, (Td:6)*].

Dear Diary,

    I got to George's with Dion in the backseat of the Maxi. I got signed in and felt a go down to block K. I had breakfast and didn't like how there was still no soap in the toilet room. I paid Mrs Ramsing for the sweets since she was counting money. Miss Kittens was not in school as yet. I went to check on Dr. Allison but she had Miranda in there for a long time which is equal to giving her the attendance for the 7 months. I went to chat with Miss Mary and “Miss Alicia” and went to check up on the 6 students in the music room.

    I tried to contact Presidential College after recess but the lady gave me another number to call after 11 am. They did not open until 11 am. I went back to the staff room to finish yesterday's journal entry and begin today's entry. There was a good joke from Mr Charles about a police lady at a stop sign and Miss Lorraine.

    Recess came and I felt nervous. I hoped that the job would be something that I could do and that I could find some employment. There was a bench available outside the library and I called the number given to me by the lady earlier. A gentleman answered and as I asked about the position he told me to tell him about myself. He said to still send the resume by email and call them back by August. I forgot to ask for a name and which part of August to call.

    I stayed back in the staff room working on the resume I did for the OJT applications and there were a lot of nice accomplishments given to me by Mrs Ramsingh. Sadly, we had no internet and then the links for some of the steel pan arrangements things could not have been inserted. Mrs Ramsing was very surprised when I asked her to take a look through to see if there was anything needed doing. She was able to help me change one sentence but I took it out after finding it irrelevant.

    At 1:05 pm I got up to go and see if Dr. Blandin would be ready. She had a lot of paper around her and said they got kept back maybe in the next hour. I wondered if to go back to Block K or if to stay. Teachers were leaving the compound already. “Jess” had given me a copy of her schema ‘work’ for term three. She seemed very busy this afternoon just like “Tia” who wasn't here for the past few days. Dr Allison said she wasn't feeling so well and left early.

    Maria wasn't here so Miss and I had to travel out with Quincy. He was trying to figure out how to use Canva even I too did not know how to use it. She shared a song called “The Call” which didn't seem like something I liked. The message and rhymes were beautiful.

    I had a class with “Yash” last night. We spent an hour and forty minutes reviewing key signatures in brief and then moving on to tonic triads. I then pushed in the slurs and tied the lesson immediately to avoid having another session to teach. The next class would be beaming flag notes and the final lesson after providing if the homework is done. Only one question was answered.

    I continued trying to figure out the guillotine last night. At first, trying to get the sword up was not easy. It had to be pushed to the right and immediately it went up. Auntie Vangy called me and told me the names of the parts. More time will be needed to figure out the measurements properly. I think there is an error with the grid that was printed on the surface of the guillotine. Eventually, tiredness took me. It came earlier tonight and I had to go and sleep.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:10 am – 4:27 pm)

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