Friday, April 26, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #66) – Day #302

Date for Entry: (Friday 26 April 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 20 July 2024)

[T2, W:03 – WD:14, (Td:)*].

Dear Diary,

    This morning I came a little late. I was wondering how the day would have been with the responsibility that was pushed on me the attendance was done. I went off to the staff room and saw “Jess” outside the hall on my way to Block K. It seemed as if she was taking down the names of the students going on the trip. I just didn't expect to see that many people were going.

    Dr. Allison was not there and I remembered while going to make my updates in the logbook she commented as if I had given up on her. I told her that I decided to wait for whenever she would be ready instead. Not many teachers were in the rooms as yet. I had my pie long after going back to wait for someone in the office to make prints. Kiel was trying to assist me and then Ezekiel came and told him what to do.

    The first period was taken up because of religious instruction and then there was a VAPA meeting in the second period. There was a very early message from Miss Gittins asking for us to meet her. I went to get Miss Jones and Miss Gittins's request for her to come to join the meeting. I went to get Miss Jones and we had no meeting. I did not see Janice for the day after. We started on a bit late but were able to get something done. “Jess” and Roberts were both on the field trip today.

    I had 1L in the third period and was not sure what to do with them. The children were few. There were a lot of the groups unprepared. However, some of them had their costumes already and were changing. We had prepared groups, which were three of them, to try and do something for the college song presentation. That was a full class. They did not do the worksheet.

    The recess was too short. I took the two small packs of emergency and walked over to give Miss it in the art room. I had 2F right after recess. I in 10 minutes late to class, but that was alright. I had given the children the worksheet to do. Das, George, Kyra and Avisha were cheating.

    A review was done afterwards. I got into a review of keyboard pitches, including black keys, accidentals, tones and semitones, and major scale construction. I had them transcribe F major and then tested the tonic triad. Kelis gave me the wording she made in words for the major scale tones and semitones pattern. This was given to me on a sheet from a copybook written in pencil 10 minutes before the class was over. “Varry” and Jesse were playing boxing and Parrot decided to go back to his phone. I did not see Mr Gill return from the toilet at all.

    “Choo Choo” and Mrs Ramsingh saw me smiling when I returned to the staff room and I told them that I was finished for the day. They said that they were happy for me. It was my first time trying out a guillotine in the office, but the measuring did not do accurately. The machine was too old and rusty, and I did not want to injure myself with it before that could happen. I got at least one design for the APC library logo.

    Before lunch was over, there was the first occurrence of a school fight for me in Georges. I believe there was a fight by the 1L students between a boy and a girl. One of the three words from the night costumes was used in the incident I've been told by “Choo Choo”. She commented asking me, “Mr Ali. What alyuh does be teachin’ dem children to do with swords?” Only “Miss Celia” got to joke that had to come with what we teach the Georgian to do with the sword.

    I went to see Mr. Bain, but he was not there, and the same for Miss Gittens. It took a while, and then she came with a lot of photocopies to batch, and then Mr. Bain came to us late into the 7th period. She was copying an English accent and telling him that he had forgotten his appointment with me. This meeting finished after 3 p.m. in his woodwork room over the laptop. The guards were done locking up block A, and the staff room had to be opened back up with keys by “Miss Bianca.” The bins were filled and would have been to remain there probably until Monday morning.

    It took me an hour and 46 minutes to write this entire journal entry, which felt like five hours. I sat outside the library under the tent to write this entry. “Miss Pope” was talking too loud and priestess-like on a marriage topic that she was upsetting me and telling Javid. Even though the beach time was so far away, it reminded me of when she upset me on the topic.

    I met “Jess” liming and chatting in there before Miss Kittens and Quincy went to the same place. We had a very long wait that evening to get home, and then I didn't get much done except cutting call cards and subject cards with the guillotine. Four large sheets of Bristol board were cut. It now became five long sheets of Bristol board with the previous sheet I had cut by hand with scissors. I hope that it will be useful for tomorrow's meeting in the library. It was not minutes after 1 AM after doing all this cutting.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:08 am – 6:12 pm)

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