Wednesday, January 31, 2024

St. George’s College (Week #56) – Day #255

Date for Entry: (Wednesday 31 January 2024)

Actual Date of Online Entry: (Saturday 03 February 2024)

[T2, W:05 – WD:21, (Td:3)*].

Dear Diary,

    The lady who crossed the road with me, her slipper fell off her foot while she was walking into the maxi. I was going to help her put back on the shoe but she had it on already. We had Kranich as the driver and he took the community roundabout. I thought that he would have taken the shorter left out but it was easier in the community roundabout. “Miss Nodarse” sat at the back and I saw “Miss Charles” and another Georgian coming out of the same maxi from behind. We all crossed together but they had to sign the late book.

    I saw Crystal coming in with Dion after I took my seat by my desk. He mentioned the timesheet and Afisha forgot. I will have to fill out my timesheet during class time. So, I thought but I stayed back at my desk and decided to complete the entire form immediately. Mrs. Ramsingh asked about lunch but I declined. Then I signed for the day and Candice reminded me about the timesheet as well. So, I went back to my desk and handed her the documents which were my timesheet for January 2024 and the resumption of duty form for the term.

    “Jess” called me and said that they were in the art room today. There was no sign of Miss Roberts as yet. I gave a wave goodbye to Miss Mary on my way up to the art room. When the time was up with 1M, Jess had told me to go and call the other class over to the art room. I saw Miss Libert entering Block K. I also met Miss Dana and greeted her good morning along with Miss Burnett. Miss Burnett asked if I was going to deliver a message but as soon as I walked in and gave the instruction for the children to take their books and pencil cases, they all looked very confused. They told me that they have social studies now. I looked out the door and I was, I jumped in shock.

    I realized I had gone to the wrong classroom. I realized that the class for music was 1F and not 1L. The students from 1F were coming in late from their previous class. I got them to come over and followed behind. I told the Muslim boys that they could stay back. Recess came sooner than before. The students from 1F did an excellent job in their presentations. I went to use the washroom at recess and take care of breakfast in the kitchen. I sat down in Block K and finished the slurs part of the topic from yesterday.

    Once that topic was finished and completed, I went right on to the topic of accidentals. I was left all alone in the staff room until the sixth period. There was a middle management meeting going on. Mrs. Santana and Mr. Charles left soon for the meeting after Mr. Martin. I went to see if the marching was going on during lunchtime. They had running heat in the corridor instead. I stood with “Varry”, Ari, “Kate”, and Kenya at the exact point of the finish line.

    No marchers for Mitchell House were outside today, but Giff was outside with Miss Roberts practising. I saw that Miss Chota and Gigi were there. There were also members from Farrell House practising outside the music room. After lunch, Miss Pope and Miss Patel were sitting down in the waiting area in the administration office. Miss Pope told me, blue for a sore boy, blue all the way. She, me, and Miss Patel laughed. I added my blue bandana to my pants for the whole day. I was not sure how the idea would work.

    When I came into the art room, they had to be loud up a majority of times because of the loud talking. I believe it was six times Miss Santana and Miss Gittins had to shout at the children.

    The form fives were waiting and Miss Santana and Jess left after I had returned from carrying my bags to the staff room. I did not want to do any more topic planning, so I went to do some painting instead of doing the music work. Miss Santana had left with Jess and she joked about me painting before they left. She said to me something about her being jealous that I was talented. I responded by saying, “That's because I'm a child of The Most High God.” She laughed out loudly with Jess and they both left.

    Miss Gittins was in Miss Mustafa's car and they were riding off to get stuff for the marchers. I took the full time of the hour painting until I was tired. Maria called me from Miss Patel's phone and said that they were about to leave and to meet them by the car. The children were taking extremely long with their soccer balls to get to the staff room. As soon as I got home, I ate and fell asleep sometime after Daddy and Auntie left. I did not sleep in bed but on the couch and I woke at 2.30 a.m.


Daryl Zion M. Ali

(8:07 am – : pm)

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